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iPhone vs Droid


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What Brand/Logo were you referring to then in an iPhone vs Droid thread. It's implied, or else you would not have worded it that way.


One Brand/logo is not known by the general public, the other is Iconic.

I read that as him saying "Just because I own an Audi doesn't make me an Audi Nutswinger" (though the jury's out on that...:)), not calling anyone else out. Defensive? Maybe my reading comprehension sucks.


BTW - I like Peanut butter and honey sandwiches. Anyone who says peanut butter and jelly is better can suck it!

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I read that as him saying "Just because I own an Audi doesn't make me an Audi Nutswinger" (though the jury's out on that...:)), not calling anyone else out. Defensive? Maybe my reading comprehension sucks.


How could you do that when the Audi comment was made by me after he posted what I quoted?


Jasson are you a white boy? Yes. Then you like Peanut Butter and Jelly. :)

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What Brand/Logo were you referring to then in an iPhone vs Droid thread. It's implied, or else you would not have worded it that way.


One Brand/logo is not known by the general public, the other is Iconic.


We were talking about fanboys, and buying something for no other reason than the brand would be something a fanboy would do. I was defining a fanboy, and at the same time defending myself as not being a fanboy to the Droid.


Jason is probably the biggest Apple/Mac fanboi I know

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How could you do that when the Audi comment was made by me after he posted what I quoted?


Jason are you a white boy? Yes. Then you like peanut Butter and Jelly.

Again, it is very possible that I kant reed gud, but I didn't follow that question either. I make a habit of not taking every comment I read on the internets as though it's directed at me personally. I'm silly like that and maybe that's why I don't get your point.


As for PB&J, my ancestors are from the hills (pronounced "Heeels"), so in actuality it's far more likely that I'm genetically predisposed to selecting a SPAM sandwich than anything with that hippie peanut butter.

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No you just dismiss a product that you have never really given the time of day, and just repeat whatever bullshit your boyfirends tell you why they hate it.


the difference is, I think BB are cool, and so is ANdroid, I just choose to keep my stuff apple becuase I found it to work better on Apple Products than it did When I ran a Vista Machine to use it with. I used my Brother-in-law's MacBook for a month everyday when I was in a wheelchair then waited over a year to purchase before I bought my first Mac Computer. The same for my iPhone, I used his for quite a while when I would see him each week, I was waiting for my contract to end with Verizon. My first iPhone was a 16GB 1st Gen, That should tell you I was not a first adopter. See the difference is, I used both PC and and Apple, and PREFER Apple based on my USAGE. Not what my friends tell me.



WRONG AND WRONG. With the exception of knowing SSH to move content over I already knew what the iPhone can do and not do. The iPhone may have a faster processor and touch screen but that isn't everything at least to me. And I don't really care about your past experience with apple products because none of that changes the functionality of the phone. Even more so I am not going to leave Verizon so until they carry the phone I will not get one.


Since we are sharing our experiences let me tell you how I feel about apple. I have owned an ipod for a wile. I used it until the battery stopped working and it was pretty neat. I even bought an wired adapter for the radio in my car so I could use it when driving. With the exception of itunes it was pretty cool. When the battery died I bought a zune because it was cheaper and it also had a radio function which my ipod at the time did not. More options is always better.


I have built a hackintosh box before. I really love Tiger OSx. In fact I like it so much I would buy an apple computer if they were not so stinking expensive. There is no reason I should pay more money for apple hardware when I can do the same thing with IBM hardware.


I don't consider myself a blackberry fan because the phone is so fucking slow, BUT having access to install programs by just going to a website and downloading the program (no apple store), having a normal mini usb wire to charge (almost every digital camera comes with one), having a physical keyboard which is a must for me, and being on Verizon network which has dropped a call 2 times in the past 7 years makes me want to keep my current phone and not switch. Once verizon carries the iphone I would consider it but it would not be my first choice.

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Hardly (though I do like the iPhone...).

To disprove your theory I'm going to take the G5 behind me and chuck it out the window. Meeting at 5:05PM EST for Office Space style sendoff.



I'm down



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I have built a hackintosh box before. I really love Tiger OSx. In fact I like it so much I would buy an apple computer if they were not so stinking expensive. There is no reason I should pay more money for apple hardware when I can do the same thing with IBM hardware.


Tiger OS X? 10.4? You realize thats a 3-4 year old version of the OS, right? I have 10.6.2 running on unsupported hardware (a atom machine)


Yes, you should pay more for apple hardware because of the research and development that goes with it that gets tied into the OS. I spent a lot of money on my 17" MBP, and I like it, besides the DVD drive dieing in 2 months. But why would you, all high and mighty, buy apple hardware when you could buy motorola or HTC hardware with the same capabilities? kekekeke


Hardly (though I do like the iPhone...).

To disprove your theory I'm going to take the G5 behind me and chuck it out the window. Meeting at 5:05PM EST for Office Space style sendoff.



Hey now..some of us could use another server box...

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Tiger OS X? 10.4? You realize thats a 3-4 year old version of the OS, right? I have 10.6.2 running on unsupported hardware (a atom machine)


Yes, you should pay more for apple hardware because of the research and development that goes with it that gets tied into the OS. I spent a lot of money on my 17" MBP, and I like it, besides the DVD drive dieing in 2 months. But why would you, all high and mighty, buy apple hardware when you could buy motorola or HTC hardware with the same capabilities? kekekeke




Hey now..some of us could use another server box...


I understand it is an older version. At the time I had a hackintosh it was the newest OS. I don't own a hackintosh box anymore.


Oh and to answer your last question I will buy a moto droid when I can afford it and when my contract is up. Like I said in a few previous posts in here an iPhone would not be my first choice, the moto droid would be.

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I understand it is an older version. At the time I had a hackintosh it was the newest OS. I don't own a hackintosh box anymore.


Oh and to answer your last question I will buy a moto droid when I can afford it and when my contract is up. Like I said in a few previous posts in here an iPhone would not be my first choice, the moto droid would be.


I don't even know who I'm trolling in this thread anymore.

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