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Cave of crystals


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Watched the show on tv awhile back. Fuckin sweet. However, like many of these shows, they talk about how nobody else can fuckin go see it. I understand the reasons they give, yet, at the same time, it's the fuckin earth and you have no more right to it than I do. If I lived near there, you can bet your ass, I'd have already been in there or been arrested trying. And before anyone says anything, I'm well aware of the dangers of entering that crystal cave. Some of the greatest wonders of the world are cutoff from public view. Fuck that.


Sorry, got a bit offtopic here.

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Watched the show on tv awhile back. Fuckin sweet. However, like many of these shows, they talk about how nobody else can fuckin go see it. I understand the reasons they give, yet, at the same time, it's the fuckin earth and you have no more right to it than I do.

As much as I want to agree with you, I cant. They dug it up, they pumped the water out, they maintain the joint. No one would have ever, ever, evereverever found it if not for them.


I suppose they could just say "Anyone who wants to vist CAN visit, they just can't use our tunnels.


They're going to let it flood again soon, and I actually think thats better for exploration. A submersible ROV can go much further into the cave than people can.

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As much as I want to agree with you, I cant. They dug it up, they pumped the water out, they maintain the joint. No one would have ever, ever, evereverever found it if not for them.


I suppose they could just say "Anyone who wants to vist CAN visit, they just can't use our tunnels.


They're going to let it flood again soon, and I actually think thats better for exploration. A submersible ROV can go much further into the cave than people can.


Well, if that's the only reason, there are a couple places I can think of that should be mine. Not a good enough reason for me is what I'm saying. I do believe the flooding will allow more exploration, but it's sad it will be gone all the sooner because of it.

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