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gas going up...?


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soo gas is going up... sooo i have had teh worst gas ever...to the point where it is one of those hot wet farts that u can feel the GAS GOING Up an rising an hitting you in the face ughh makes ym gag an want to throw up... well that is all just thought ide let u know that ive got bad gas that is rising hahah


also my cubicle buddies hate me now :bangbang:


edit: an you all thought this was about gasoline prices ... haha

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I was taking a dump at work today and saw through the door crack this four hundred pound mass of a man walk into the stall next to me. I felt my toilet shake when he sat down and he instantly unleashed a five-gallon bucket of swampy diarreah into the bowl. Immediately I held my breath and wiped as fast as possible and quickly walked out of the stall. I couldn't hold my breath any longer as I was rushing to the door and had to take a deep breath.. I wasn't far enough from ground zero yet, it smelled and tasted terrible. The air was so thick with the smell of hot wet crap I literally felt like vomiting right there, but I pushed through into the hallway and survived.


This happens too often where I work. So now I will walk to the other side of the building and go up a few floors where not many people work. Problem solved :D

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Neat! :thumbup:



I took a shit the other day at work that almost choked me out I had to courtesy flush to save myself. Then I spent the rest of the day wondering WTF I ate that could have made it that bad. :lol:


I'm generally not a "stinky" person, but even I know when you gotta courtesy flush for yourself, it's bad. lol

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