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Ok, so im betting on this site, and here is a bet. Its just a money line bet, no margin, no spread nothing. Its an exotic bet, and it states:


Chris Johnson vs Usain Bolt - Odds to Win Head to Head Sprint Race - Race Must Take Place Before February 28th 2010

Feb 28, 2010 12:00 PM ET


The question is, if no race occurs before 28 Feb 2010, do I get my money back and its just a wash, or I lose all the money that was wagered?


Cliffs: Obviously im betting that Bolt wins, but do I get fucked if they dont even race?

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Bolt pulled up in the 08 Olympics in the 100 and still broke world records. There is no chance anyone can touch him in a race less than 200m. At 23, he hasnt even hit his prime in sprinting.


Thats guaranteed $


There's no race shorter than 100m in the Olympics, I think Johnson's got the edge in a 40yd dash. They still have yet to establish a distance to run.

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There's no race shorter than 100m in the Olympics, I think Johnson's got the edge in a 40yd dash. They still have yet to establish a distance to run.



Ah this is true. If its an indoor race it will probably be a 55m. If its set outdoors somewhere warm, itll be 100m.

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