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Half Life 2: Episode 3 OR Portal 2 Viral Marketing

Rally Pat

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Has anyone been following this the past 2 days? Valve released an update to Portal which placed a bunch of radios around each test chamber that revealed morse code leading to a bunch of hints and such. People have already found a shit ton of hints hidden in the new sound files for these radios, including ones that decode into .png screenshots of what looks like an Aperture Science security camera. I am only 20 pages in of like 140 something, but this shit has been interesting as hell to read so far.





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Holy shit.. I read about 20 pages then skipped to the end to see if it had been summed up a bit.


This doesn't surprise me at all coming from Valve. Its things like this that make each and everyone of their games a stellar piece of art.

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Here are a couple short recaps of exactly whats happened so far, if people are not wanting to sift through everything on the Steam forums.






We think stuff is going to get added to the mysterious BBS every day till Gabe Newell receives his award at the Game Developers Conference on the 11th.

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Ya, I started following this now, pretty fucking cool.






In a severely nerdy sort of way. I was all about some I LOVE BEES back in the day, so I am unfortunately receptive to this type of shit.

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