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Cooper Park complex petition


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I don't see this posted anywhere here so don't think it's a re-post. As you may know there is a plan for a motorsports facility at the old Cooper baseball stadium. There is some significant resistance to the proposal from some people who seem to prefer a hanging garden or something else. anyway there is an online petition started to favor the motorsports plan. Here is a link with more information if you care to read more.





p.s. here is the link just to the facility plans.


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If there is a thread on this elsewhere, I apologize for the duplicate post.


As you may have read, there is a proposal to turn the old Cooper Stadium site into a regional motorsports and automotive technology complex. Read about it here:




As is typically the case, there is opposition to this development, primarily on the basis of noise concerns, particularly given the site's urban location. There have been studies completed and methods proposed to address this concern that can be accessed via the site above.


Your support of this effort is critical to its success. Please sign the following online petition to show your support:




If you want to attend some of the public meetings, there is a lot of chat to coordinate this on the OVR SCCA site:




Finally, be sure to put it on your FB and Twitter. Just copy and paste:


Support the Cooper Park Motorsports Complex proposal. Info: http://tinyurl.com/yzewvl8. Sign the petition: http://tinyurl.com/yjpvlry




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Guest 614Streets
No drag strip then fuck that place. I am not a circle tracker. I live just down the ways from cooper and Im not having it! No drag strip no support from me! PERIOD.
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Everyday I hear about government plans to control automobiles. The president of the U.S. currently is studying a plan to shut a car down if some one steps on both the gas and the brake pedal at the same time. Left-foot braking is common in performance driving or dragracing burnouts.

Any facility that allows performance use of any type for an automobile has my support. I can still go to National Trail, Marion County or KilKare for drag racing and have a facility in Columbus for other venues.


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Thanks, for posting this Mike.


I just feel it's important to support the use of automobiles for more than only commuting to work. The automobile is a machine that should be used for more and this would be a safe controlled environment for it's performance use.


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Whether you support drag racing, circle track, rally, road racing, motorcycling, or autocross, you should seriously consider supporting this project.


All forms of motorsports and motoring are under attack from local, state, and federal agencies, as well as narrowly focused special interest groups.


The more promotion and visibility there is for positive, economically viable motorsports activities, the more we all win.

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no drag strip...no street car class...not enough parking..fail


When it comes to parking, there will be a multi-story story parking garage along with the ground level lots. The capacity in the stadium is about 8000 and the developer says there will be enough on-site parking to accommodate a full house.

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