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Battlefield Bad Company 2


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Anyone have this game? I know theres alot of gamers on here and COD is starting to lose some of it's steam so I picked this game up. I highly recommend it to any shooter fan. Its got just as much polish as COD just in different ways. The scale is much larger so the action is not nearly as in your face as COD but still has some epic moments thats for sure.


9.5/10 in Game Informer


If anyone has the game or may be getting it add my gamer tag: "Jerrod H"


Looking for some people to fill up a squad so we can be more competitive.

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I have it for PS3. Story line is a little weak compared to the first one in my opinion. I like the multiplayer better than CoD anyway. It just seems a lot simpler and more focused on the actual gameplay rather than all the crazy unlocks.
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I played the demo for a few minutes, I got lost on some map just walking and walking and walking then somebody in a tank rolled up and blasted me so I quit.



That was me in the tank, and I knew it was you, after you quit I laughed.

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BF1942 was the only Battlefield I could really get into.


BF2 was so-so, the Desert Combat mod for BF1942 was basically the same thing except free and you got to conduct WWII battles with M-16s :cool:



I actually have BF2142 on PC and its a lot of fun. They were really original in the way they designed weapons and maps, made it REALLY fun for huge scale games.

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Its not really less action its different action. instead of a computer helicopter killing you you have a human piloted helicopter to deal with, etc.


Different strokes for different folks I guess, but I have both and like them both they are just two different sides of the same coin.


EDIT: added picasso007

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Sniping isn't like sniping in COD. The distances can be to great to really get some solid hits without some luck. It definitly takes some getting used to. And as said with the mix up of vehicles and the maps are pretty solid when it comes to giving different plays room to play.


I say you rent it and get with a good squad and you will have a good time for sure no question.

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The biggest con about the Battlefield games is that you get lots of vehicle campers, but they did a solid job of defeating that in 2142 so I assume they're still doing it pretty well. The kinds of glitches that you get in the Battlefield games are very different.


I remember there was one where a squad leader could setup a remote spawn point on top of an extremely high building right above the enemy's main base which was an untakeable point. The entire squad would spawn and just snipe to their heart's content. It was easily defeated, though, when the commander of the opposing team would lay down artillery fire on the roof and you'd all of a sudden see a dozen parachutes and guys frantically switching to their crappy sidearm.

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Sniping isn't like sniping in COD. The distances can be to great to really get some solid hits without some luck. It definitly takes some getting used to.


Very true. I can snipe all day long in CoD, but can't seem to get it down in BC2. I just tend to run and gun. Plus, with the ability to destroy practically everything on the map, I enjoy taking away sniper hides by simply leveling every building I can.

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Very true. I can snipe all day long in CoD, but can't seem to get it down in BC2. I just tend to run and gun. Plus, with the ability to destroy practically everything on the map, I enjoy taking away sniper hides by simply leveling every building I can.


Just like in life distance with a sniper is easy once you get the hang of it. Just like they taught you in SOI, you need to lead the target or if it is stationary you need to aim a little above the head to account for bullet drop. The bullet will land right on their heads. I have not touched another job yet. The different sniper rifles may take getting used to.

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I'm thinking about picking this one up... I'm getting really tired of all the cheap bullshit that goes down in MW2. So the general consensus is that its a good game to pick up? Aside from Brians ususal cinical comments lol.
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I'm thinking about picking this one up... I'm getting really tired of all the cheap bullshit that goes down in MW2. So the general consensus is that its a good game to pick up? Aside from Brians ususal cinical comments lol.


I think so. I played MW2 and did not like it at all. The graphics were sweet, but i did not like the game play at all. BC2 online is fun. The maps may be bigger, but all of the objectives are pretty close together so you have to run in close quarters. Only thing I would have liked, and this goes for MW2 also, would be to take cover instead of just crouching. As realistic as these games are getting...


As former military I think cover is one of the more important things to do in a fire fight...im just sayin.

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Only thing I would have liked, and this goes for MW2 also, would be to take cover instead of just crouching. As realistic as these games are getting...


There's been a lot of complaints about this so far, but with one very good explaination. The inability to make yourself a small target makes you less likely to stay in one place for very long, dissuading campers.

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I played the campaign last night and this game is fun, I especially like the little backhanded comment they made about MW2 hahaha


Oh what was it? something like " f thos spec ops guys and their heartbeat sensors!" lol I LOST IT!


But yeah I meet a guy last night that really kind of gave me some pointers in sniping for long long distances and its been paying off. That and the 12x scope. Snipers may best kit thus far but I switch it up quite a bit.


Some other things I like bout this is the killcam, it just shows you what your enemy is doing after where killed for a short time and it is really zoomed in so if you are sniping in a strategic spot they likely wont know exactly where your at, just an idea maybe.


My only gripe is it can be hard as a team even to take down a helicopter. There are not enough anti-aircraft weapons in the map over all.

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Oh what was it? something like " f thos spec ops guys and their heartbeat sensors!" lol I LOST IT!


But yeah I meet a guy last night that really kind of gave me some pointers in sniping for long long distances and its been paying off. That and the 12x scope. Snipers may best kit thus far but I switch it up quite a bit.


Some other things I like bout this is the killcam, it just shows you what your enemy is doing after where killed for a short time and it is really zoomed in so if you are sniping in a strategic spot they likely wont know exactly where your at, just an idea maybe.


My only gripe is it can be hard as a team even to take down a helicopter. There are not enough anti-aircraft weapons in the map over all.


more along the lines of " They'll just send in some spec ops douchebags with their heartbeat sensors"

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