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Compassionate Conservatism at its finest hour


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Seriously throwing money at a guy with Parkinson's? How does this solve anything other then making yourself look like an asshole? A See links below







video of it here


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I liked it. 5 stars


You wood. :p


guy with parkisons was a douche, he already gets premo parking now wants free healthcare.......


So he is a douche because he has Parkinson, handicap parking, and wants healthcare? I technically could get a handicap parking pass because of my existing medical conditions. Does that make me a douche as well? I don't have Parkinson disease for the record.

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in all seriousness, i see both sides of the spectrum. The problem is the bill is largely misinterpreted by both sides. The only person that seems to know it is obama. I think we need healthcare reform, but just in a timely manner in which all sides can understand the context. Is that too much to ask?


And yes, it is about the healthcare bill. If it wasn't, Parkinson's man wouldn't be sitting on the ground. Something leads me to believe he doesn't have Parkinson's anyway. It was merely a statement to arouse the people on the right. I may be wrong though...

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Seriously though, I think we surely need reform - but free healthcare I'm not so sure about. Still no reason to be a douche to Parkinson's guy though.

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The only person that seems to know it is obama.


Nah, he doesn't care what it actually does, just so long as he can get the press for having beaten all the odds to accomplish something that no other dem majority has been able to. Even if the bill ends up not doing shit. If it doesn't pass by election time, he will be seen as having done nothing, on top of allowing the economy to continue sinking further and further.

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This shit is getting way too personal, the us vs them mentality will destroy this country faster than anything anyone spouts off about healthcare, debt, CEO's, etc.
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This shit is getting way too personal, the us vs them mentality will destroy this country faster than anything anyone spouts off about healthcare, debt, CEO's, etc.


Getting personal ? Where have you been ?

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Getting personal ? Where have you been ?


It keeps getting worse. At first it was just a bunch of different groups with their panties in a bunch. As time goes on, it gets more and more serious. Tension is much higher today than it was 6 months ago.

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SURE some kind of reform would be good, but real reform, not that crap bill, if you read through it like i have you would see that this will raise your costs and not lower it, plus we get to pay more taxes as a bonus.

i want a bill that gives me freedom, not restricts me and steals my money to give to someone that slacks off.

when i give to someone less fortunate I dont want to be forced to do, i do it on my own will.

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SURE some kind of reform would be good, but real reform, not that crap bill, if you read through it like i have you would see that this will raise your costs and not lower it, plus we get to pay more taxes as a bonus.

i want a bill that gives me freedom, not restricts me and steals my money to give to someone that slacks off.

when i give to someone less fortunate I dont want to be forced to do, i do it on my own will.


Perfectly stated

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SURE some kind of reform would be good, but real reform, not that crap bill, if you read through it like i have you would see that this will raise your costs and not lower it, plus we get to pay more taxes as a bonus.

i want a bill that gives me freedom, not restricts me and steals my money to give to someone that slacks off.

when i give to someone less fortunate I dont want to be forced to do, i do it on my own will.



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It keeps getting worse. At first it was just a bunch of different groups with their panties in a bunch. As time goes on, it gets more and more serious. Tension is much higher today than it was 6 months ago.


Class warfare is a trick that dems play, and will continue to play time after time. And they are a one trick pony, and Americans are starting to realize this.

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Watched the video, why are they all such whiners?

"waaahhhhh, I want free healthcare"

"waaaaaahhhh, I don't want to pay $2 more per month for free healthcare"

They should all go home.


lol $2 more per month? You better keep raising that number!

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