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To the Jackasses on 270 tonight


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I would like to send out a big thank you to the fucking assholes on 270 East tonight. One was a black e39, evo, and 2 other cars that I couldnt make out as I was trying to avoid getting rear-ended while going 80mph and miss the rocks and debris that were being thrown up from the berm at 100+mph.


There is a time and a place for that. 9:15pm on 270 when there is a decent amount of traffic is not that time, nor that place. :thumbdown:


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I counted nine asian women driving 55-60 in the fast lane on the way to, and home from Gearheadz tonight. What the flying fuck.. is there some kind of asian festival or some shit going on?



I certainly wasn't aware of any of our secret meetings tonight.









Maybe ... I've been excommunicated.

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