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UFC 112 Predictions


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UFC is starting to get watered down honestly. I said this like 2 years ago that it was a trendy thing and unless some serious fighters got their chances the whole sport would suffer. Well guess what its suffering. You have Champions that cannot and will not be beat in Lesnar (hell get Carwin on ground and destroy him), GSRP and Silva...its no longer fun to watch honestly. I used to be a die hard UFC fan, hell used to drive to cbus hooters to watch it because our local bdubs didnt show it. Now I get PPV's half off at home and I still dont watch it half the time.


The heavyweight division is a complete joke outside of Lesnar and Carwin (everyones on his bandwagon), after that you have who? Frank Mir? Kimbo the turle Slice? All the "stars" are getting old and there is really no up and coming guy that intrest me. Matt Hughes is retiring, Liddell is old as fuck and should have already retired, Couture is prehistoric (yes he's in great shape, he's still old)

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the Gracie - Hughes fight was fucking pathetic!

i think they must have had some sort of "gentlemen's handshake" before the fight. agreeing to not take it to the ground and make it a stand up war. the old Matt Hughes would have picked up a worn out Gracie and slammed his ass to the matt, and pummeled him. not back away and wait for the ref to stand him up, or help him up his self. Fucking WEAK!

i really want my money back after last night


I was actually shocked when Gracie needed a hand up. I've never seen anything like that and it was pretty embarrassing for a fighter of his caliber.


I agree all of them pretty much sucked. Anyone catch the Mike Tyson's greatest hits on ESPN which showed right afterwards? In his prime that dude would have destroyed every one of the greatest fighters in his sport. I left when he was 19-0 with 19KO's. He was just ridiculous.

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UFC is starting to get watered down honestly. I said this like 2 years ago that it was a trendy thing and unless some serious fighters got their chances the whole sport would suffer. Well guess what its suffering. You have Champions that cannot and will not be beat in Lesnar (hell get Carwin on ground and destroy him), GSRP and Silva...its no longer fun to watch honestly. I used to be a die hard UFC fan, hell used to drive to cbus hooters to watch it because our local bdubs didnt show it. Now I get PPV's half off at home and I still dont watch it half the time.


The heavyweight division is a complete joke outside of Lesnar and Carwin (everyones on his bandwagon), after that you have who? Frank Mir? Kimbo the turle Slice? All the "stars" are getting old and there is really no up and coming guy that intrest me. Matt Hughes is retiring, Liddell is old as fuck and should have already retired, Couture is prehistoric (yes he's in great shape, he's still old)


It is getting pretty watered down but there are some pretty excited dudes coming up right now. Vasquez, Dosantos and Carwin are just bashing skulls right now. Johnny Bones Jones is on the rise. There is some movement right now that could make things exciting.


Do you watch WEC?? I really like watching it. The pace is usually stupid fast and the fights seem to be much more evenly matched.

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Yeah I watch WEC, I actually like watching it more then I do UFC. I think the problem honestly is UFC has no serious competition thus they can put out whatever watered down bullshit they want to and people will still watch because there really is no alternative. Same thing happened with pro wrestling, WWF became a monopoly basically when they bought out WCW, now pro wrestling is terrible (not that it was very great to begin with, just using as an example lol)
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i'm stuck in the middle on this issue


Dana will not fire his ass.

however, i do think stripping the belt is a viable alternative, if he pulls this shit again.


at the same time though, he is implementing his game plan. however fucked up it is. he is getting in the head of his opponent, causing confusion, and waiting for counters. while staying away from his opponents strengths, so he doesn't get caught, and KO'd or have to tap. it's not Silva's fault that Maia couldn't get him to the ground.


GSP is my favorite fighter, but he does the same thing, to an extent. "boring" fights, to the average fan that wants to watch only for knockouts. he will find his opponents weakness and exploit it, will trying to stay away from his opponents strengths and not getting into a position where he could get hurt.


the only real difference between these two Champion Fighters are their respect for their opponents, the UFC and their fans. which is what puts GSP on another level in my opnion.



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i'm stuck in the middle on this issue


Dana will not fire his ass.

however, i do think stripping the belt is a viable alternative, if he pulls this shit again.


at the same time though, he is implementing his game plan. however fucked up it is. he is getting in the head of his opponent, causing confusion, and waiting for counters. while staying away from his opponents strengths, so he doesn't get caught, and KO'd or have to tap. it's not Silva's fault that Maia couldn't get him to the ground.


GSP is my favorite fighter, but he does the same thing, to an extent. "boring" fights, to the average fan that wants to watch only for knockouts. he will find his opponents weakness and exploit it, will trying to stay away from his opponents strengths and not getting into a position where he could get hurt.


the only real difference between these two Champion Fighters are their respect for their opponents, the UFC and their fans. which is what puts GSP on another level in my opnion.





I would rather see a "boring" GSP fight becasue he finds those weaknesses and just exploints them to the point where he is putting on a clinic :) The only thing that kept Dany Hardy's arm out of a sling from GSP snapping it is A. felxibility b. he is a dumbass.


Silva's gameplan will not work with Sonnen. That dude is pissed off,fired up, and is going to take Silva down or get KO'd trying. I think that Sonnen or Marquart will be a problem for Silva because they have more than one dimension.


Look at Silva's fight with Henderson, he caught Hendo in a choke during a fight that he was losing. Granted that is what a champion does but have you seen Silva go to the ground with someone who has a solid ground game since?


I say feed him to Cain or Frank Mir and see if he tries that crap...

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