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Have to love gangsta wannabes.


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And the new "Rap" that's out is there to make money and it works because they understand what people want to hear. Anyone who knows real hip hop knows the music on the radio sucks and everything they rap about is fake.


Every time I tell someone at work that I listen to rap they look at me super confused because I'm more 60-70 era music oriented, but I'll listen to anything that's putting out a real message.


90's rap/ hip hop is great music with a message and they were making music that expressed a real lifestyle they were living. No rap that comes out now will ever bring up as much controversy to society as it did back in the day.


Let the wannabes do their thing. Anyone who knows what real rap/ hip hop is just gives a grin and laughs it away.

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No no no...you spelled it wrong...




Yeah, juggalos are nuts. Used to be friends with some in high school. I will take on the thugs in my neighborhood any day over some crazy white boy juggalos.


I've met one Juggalo in my life that was cool and I wouldn't have known he was a Jug until he told me so. But he has a different outlook on their music than all the others I've met and I guess he understands ICP's new musical message? I guess their new music is about finding god? I don't know, I don't listen to it and never will.


Next time the Juggalo crew comes into my work I'll take pictures to post. It's ridiculous. But I guess Columbus is in the top 5 of Juggalo places to live from what they tell me.

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Hip hop is love for music and individuality. The people out for paychecks like soulja boy are gay... I have found that people that say stuff like new hip hop is lame listen to those wierd skater like black dudes that rap over slow music while wearing tie-dye shirts... That shits garbage!!
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