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KY Lube - $.48


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There's nothing suprising about KY being sold with baby supplies. It's not for buttsechs, idiots. lol Though, I don't doubt they sell a few of those just for that. I mean, it'll keep you from having to come back there in 9 more months for other supplies.


Now, shut-up. Jerry Springer's on.

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I usually buy a gallon of lube, rub it all over my body wearing only swimtrunks and hit the slip and slide proper. Then when I inevitably get a crowd of neighborhood kids around me watching me have a blast, I tell them its a new type of slip and slide that requires no water.


Then funny.

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I usually buy a gallon of lube, rub it all over my body wearing only swimtrunks and hit the slip and slide proper. Then when I inevitably get a crowd of neighborhood kids around me watching me have a blast, I tell them its a new type of slip and slide that requires no water.


Then funny.


Keep going, I'm almost there.

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