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Stimulis Bill Explained


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Thanks' date=' at least we can read it now. It wasn't available at the most important time. The House got a copy 9 hours before it was time to vote.[/quote']

I don't think that's true. I remember finding copies well before even the original house vote. Even the media was talking about the details in the weeks before. These are tracked on THOMAS all through amendments as well. If you do a Bills search for that one you can still pull up all 8 versions there has been.

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Sure' date=' but there are lots of things I do that I don't like doing. IF I were put in a situation where I had to take a job at Wal-Mart greeting fat rednecks all day then I would. I wouldn't like it but that doesn't mean it is anybody's fault other than my own.[/quote']

Don't want to get involved here but just had to comment on this, I'm giving you rep for this for the fact that this is the issue with many individuals in this country. They don't want to work for anything, they just want shit handed to them by the govt, which is BS. I would scrape shit from toilets in a fat clinic with a nail file to provide for my family if I have to. But that is just me, and that is why I have such a problem with welfare and all the other govt assisted programs. Make the lazy pieces of crap that get these programs take a drug test like I have to in order to get a job. Then when they fail their shit gets yanked.

Edited by robhawk
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Someone other than drama queen Boehner might have been more convincing. That version he throws to the floor is the 2nd...not the first which had been available for weeks. You would hope a Rep is smart enough to read just the revisions. Even the negotiated changes made late the night prior were only a handful. Maybe he's a really slow reader.

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First he calls it a "non-stimulus bill", he wouldn't be biased would he?

So I was up to the challenge...how long does it take to go through and find the changes... took me 25 minutes to open and go through two of the scanned non-searchable documents and pick out the handwritten changes. Wow hard. Oh wait how did I magically do that? I went to the same place that was made available to everyone else that Thursday night. http://www.speaker.gov/blog/?p=1694 and http://appropriations.house.gov/

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Hey look... domestic spending!



"The same people who drove the economy into the ditch are now complaining about the size of the tow truck," said Rep. James McGovern, D-Mass., pointing out the large increase in deficits that President George W. Bush and GOP-controlled Congresses amassed.
Under the bill, Mexican-licensed trucks are banned from operating outside commercial zones along the border with the United States. The Teamsters union, which supported Obama's election last year, had sought the move. The Bush administration backed a pilot program to permit up to 500 trucks from 100 Mexican motor carriers access to U.S. roads.
Obama's doing his part to keep illegals out.
Democrats also inserted a provision into the bill to end a program that allows students in the District of Columbia to use federal funds to attend private schools of their choice. Boehner, who helped establish the program as part of a political bargain several years ago, called the move "hideous."

Hmm, did you know the Republicans had us paying for private school for DC residents? That's not fair. Dems took care of that for us.

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Sean Hannity is a douchebag

Confronted with the truth, Hannity refused to back down from debunked mouse, LA-Vegas rail falsehoods


Summary: On Fox News, Sean Hannity repeated the false GOP talking

points that the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act directs that

funds be spent to protect the salt marsh harvest mouse in San Francisco

and on a high-speed rail line between Southern California and Las

Vegas. In fact, as Rep. Joe Sestak noted in response to Hannity, the

bill does not contain any language directing funds to the salt marsh

harvest mouse or its San Francisco wetlands habitat, nor does the bill

include a provision directing that funds be spent on a high-speed rail

line between Southern California and Las Vegas.

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Sean Hannity is a douchebag

Confronted with the truth, Hannity refused to back down from debunked mouse, LA-Vegas rail falsehoods



There might have been something on both subjects in the development of the Recovery Act, but now removed from the document itself. Pork removal at it's finest. The language and oversight of the Act is loose, and it remains to be seen how it is spent.

In reading the Act, I see that an emphasis was put on spending money where people would be hired. For instance, with railroads, no method of spending funds for buying right of way for a rail line is present. Most of the emphasis is on purchasing new or used equipment for rail use. (With a bone thrown in for Amtrak.)

In environmental projects, once again it's emphasis is on construction. Where money would be spent on materials, and workers would be hired to perform the construction. Much of it through the Interior Department and the Army Corp of Engineers.

There are some Buy-American provisions that made it into the document, related to American textile purchases. (An age old argument with other countries textile industries. They tax/block ours, we do the same.)

The Mexican semi-trucks will be limited to an area near the border, no driving up to an inspection station in Kansas City as previously planned.

Lots and lots of stuff for health, education and welfare. Lots of stuff for housing construction. Money for research and development. Even money for the military to construct housing or cleanup the environment.

Having said all this, if they wanted to spend it on those two items mentioned, there are plenty of ways to do so. This is a huge spending bill.

But there is no mention of an LA-LV rail, nor a salt water marsh mouse.

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