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U.S. to pledge $900 million for Gaza rebuild


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This is the part where I call the Gov the retarded offspring of 5 monkeys having butt sex with a fish squirrel CONGRATULATIONS!!!!

"This money is for Gaza and to help strengthen the Palestinian Authority. It is not going to go to Hamas," the official told Reuters.
Preliminary estimates put damage from the offensive, in which 1,300 Palestinians died, at nearly $2 billion.
Soo we are footing 1/2 the bill then?



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^--- Don't even start. Half of that is our fault anyway for putting them there, so I kinda feel responsible for it, but still - I don't really want to know... it'll make me sick.

Our fault we put them there? That is some rediculousness right there. They wanted to to be there. THEY chose the spot. You know holy land, God's chosen people and all that. From citizens of Palestine to American backed oppressive super power of the Middle East. Israel can suck a dick.

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Our fault we put them there? That is some rediculousness right there. They wanted to to be there. THEY chose the spot. You know holy land, God's chosen people and all that. From citizens of Palestine to American backed oppressive super power of the Middle East. Israel can suck a dick.

agreed, u get rep for that one!

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Our fault we put them there? That is some rediculousness right there. They wanted to to be there. THEY chose the spot. You know holy land, God's chosen people and all that. From citizens of Palestine to American backed oppressive super power of the Middle East. Israel can suck a dick.

Ok, we didn't put them there, but we asked where they wanted to be and supported their decision after WWII. Israeli's are pretty hardcore though, I don't know why they need us to continue funding them.

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Spread? I'm pretty sure every couple of years Israel gets smaller and smaller. Must be because they are so oppressive. Maybe it's because they are always giving up land in the hope for a peaceful end to their thousand year conflict with the Arabs. Now that they are taking a defensive strike against a group of people that have been lobbing rockets into their country and bombing their buses and schools they are an oppressive superpower? You aren't making a lot of sense here' date=' mate.[/quote']

wow...shrinking? really?


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You said, "I'm pretty sure every couple of years Israel gets smaller and smaller", your winning map shows an interim agreement (OSLO II 1995) where Israel is supposed to give back land they took (still occupy or control). How does that equal getting smaller every couple of years?

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Not so fast, it's not that black and white.

Russia claimed Israel was massing troops on the Syrian border. Eqypt (Syria's ally at the time) reacts to Syria's request for assistance by blocking water ways and building up troops on Israel's border. Israel launches a "pre-emptive" attack on Egypt crippling them and proceeds to "defend" its self against Syria and Jordan.

Egypt and Syria weren't just building up troops to attack. It's a mighty convenient situation for Israel whose leaders had even publicly declared their need to topple Syria prior to that conflict.

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The political and military climate at the time prior to that attack (and most others) was severe and presented a desperate situation to Israel. Israel was out-numbered, out-gunned, surrounded and nobody looking like they would help. Combined with continuous claims of wiping out Israel entirely (nothing has changed), the entry of Jordan into the combination of opponents pushed the limits to the breaking point. Egypt's Air Force was considered to be the most dangerous opponent, and was attacked. The Syrian tank forces were severely underestimated. The Egyptian Air Force "art of deception" was severely underestimated. Tactical timing allowed Israel to stop advancing Egyptian forces at the Suez, and remove most of the threat by trapping the Egyptian armor in terrain that did not allow maneuver to escape. Israeli Air Force losses against the Egyptians was very high. Syrian armor was stopped with tremendous losses to Israeli armored forces, and is the primary reason the Golan Heights will probably not be given back for a long long time, if ever. Both the Israeli Air Force and the armored forces suffered massive losses.

Opinions differ, but it's very probable that Israel had two nuclear weapons at that time, and came very very close to using them.

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