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Thank you, Comedy Central, for ruining South Park...


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I was under the impression that the South Park people did that intentionally …


Well they censored him on episode 200 and 201 because they got shit from people in an older episode, so they were making fun of that. So in a way they did it intentionally, but not really. Then it looks like they got shit from mentioning his name in 200, so they beeped it out in 201.

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What is going on here? Seriously? I say bring it on bitches. The American people need to get behind this and fix it. This is some serious 1st amendment assault, and next they're coming after the 2nd. Damn you comedy central for being a bunch of pussies, and damn you extremists for even trying to bully an American. That shit won't fly with a real American.
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What is going on here? Seriously? I say bring it on bitches. The American people need to get behind this and fix it. This is some serious 1st amendment assault, and next they're coming after the 2nd. Damn you comedy central for being a bunch of pussies, and damn you extremists for even trying to bully an American. That shit won't fly with a real American.



I wouldn't go as far as to throw the 1st amendment in there, but its definitely at best showing some favoritism (South Park cracks on religion all the time, though CC also caved to Scientology complaints), and at worst giving in to terrorist demands.

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Same reason over in Iraq or Afghanistan, US Military personell can NOT drink. Among other things to include porn, because it offends them. I won't go into anymore specifics or my personal opinions on that religion, but I'll leave it at that.


Offend them? Thats about laughable. I was out training some of the Irai Federal Police a few weeks ago, those fucker have more porn on thier cell phones than they know what to do with. They also go out and get plastered regularly, had one offer me some booze after training.

We are just worried about offending a select few, so we cater to them. Odly enough, it is usually that select few that causes the problems and does stupid shit.

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American has turned pussy! Everything is all about political correctness, if it wasn't then celebrities would be adopting American kids instead of some fuck from BFE. I hate those fucking commercials that say "your 25 cent a day can help save a life in god knows where", umm what about the American kid that is sleeping under a bridge or in the back of a van next to their parents who just got laid off. I guess they can just goto the river with a stick and catch a fish, then maybe rub 2 fucking sticks together and cook it by hand right? My philosophy is fix your own home before worrying about your neighbors and until other people realize that, then our country as a whole is totally fucked. I could rant about this for hours but ill spare you haha.


BTW southpark was funny when I was like 12...after that I quit watching it and Comedy Central

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American has turned pussy! Everything is all about political correctness, if it wasn't then celebrities would be adopting American kids instead of some fuck from BFE. I hate those fucking commercials that say "your 25 cent a day can help save a life in god knows where", umm what about the American kid that is sleeping under a bridge or in the back of a van next to their parents who just got laid off. I guess they can just goto the river with a stick and catch a fish, then maybe rub 2 fucking sticks together and cook it by hand right? My philosophy is fix your own home before worrying about your neighbors and until other people realize that, then our country as a whole is totally fucked. I could rant about this for hours but ill spare you haha.


BTW southpark was funny when I was like 12...after that I quit watching it and Comedy Central



I've donated to children in overseas 3rd world countries before, and will likely do so again. The difference from my point of view is the availability of opportunity. In the states those parents living under the bridge need only walk to the nearest Family Services building, and now the child has food, clothes, education, and shelter under foster or state care. In the meantime the parent can find employment, steady-housing, and hopefully within a reasonable amount of time, prove their ability to take care of their child and get them back.


In 3rd world countries there are much, much fewer options if any, and many of the options include much more horrifying circumstances than just starvation.


Not sure what that has to do with South Park being censored in regards to offending Islam though.

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Someone mentioned being politically correct lol. I refuse to donate to those tv charities, odds are your 25 cents is broken down like this 24 cents to tv host...1 cent to kids of who knows where


Yeah the PC shit can go too far for sure. I'm curious if it's 'being PC' that is the issue. With Tom Cruise and the whole Scientology debacle I had heard it was fear of advertisement revenue streams being threatened that finally got CC to agree to censor the show. This time no such line exists so is CC actually trying to protect Matt Stone and Trey Parker ?

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Offend them? Thats about laughable. I was out training some of the Irai Federal Police a few weeks ago, those fucker have more porn on thier cell phones than they know what to do with. They also go out and get plastered regularly, had one offer me some booze after training.

We are just worried about offending a select few, so we cater to them. Odly enough, it is usually that select few that causes the problems and does stupid shit.


Trust me all hypocrits. Many times have I got the bootleg booze, porn along with seeing the IA's whore house they had set up. But yes, the select few that believe they're still holding the traditions of Islam. This is one of the many reasons I hate the middle east. Don't worry, Afghanistan is the same way.

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