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car bomb found in times square


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Investigators removed three propane tanks, consumer-grade fireworks, two filled 5-gallon gasoline containers, and two clocks with batteries, electrical wire and other components, Police Commissioner Raymond Kelly said.


Big fireball is about all that would've really come from that. About a 50 meter radius is about how dangerous that would've been, depending upon the propane tank size. Car bombs (VBIEDs as we call em) are a pretty effective way to transport a large amount of boom to an intended location. Glad to see nothing happened, and nobody was hurt.

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That's fucked up! They need to find out who made and drove this bomb there and put a bullet in their head!


Aww no thats thinking too lightly. You need to set an example with these fucks. Bury them in concrete up to just below there knees and slowly start pushing from behind till they snap at the knees. Then after said snapping, spray them down with water and cover them in lye.


Anybody who's ever got lye on them for even a short period can attest to the pain.



Know here's the kicker. You gotta keep them dosed on epinephrine so they're feeling every moment of it.



Nobody will ever try any of that shit again.

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Aww no thats thinking too lightly. You need to set an example with these fucks. Bury them in concrete up to just below there knees and slowly start pushing from behind till they snap at the knees. Then after said snapping, spray them down with water and cover them in lye.


Anybody who's ever got lye on them for even a short period can attest to the pain.



Know here's the kicker. You gotta keep them dosed on epinephrine so they're feeling every moment of it.



Nobody will ever try any of that shit again.



should work

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Aww no thats thinking too lightly. You need to set an example with these fucks. Bury them in concrete up to just below there knees and slowly start pushing from behind till they snap at the knees. Then after said snapping, spray them down with water and cover them in lye.


Anybody who's ever got lye on them for even a short period can attest to the pain.



Know here's the kicker. You gotta keep them dosed on epinephrine so they're feeling every moment of it.



Nobody will ever try any of that shit again.


Where do you think this crap up! Don't ever cross you. :p

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That was a pretty quick response from the ol' Pakistani Taliban to claim repsonsibility for this one. It's a shame we won't be turning Pakistan into a parking lot under the new guidelines and the fact our administration won't devote more than a Predator drone to the boarder. FYI, Taliban among a few other groups run rampant in Pakistan. (You can see them run around the mountains.)



^^^Some of the remaining BS. Glad Homeland/CIA/FBI are always on their game :rolleyes:

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CNN Lady: "A 9mm handgun was found in the glove compartment of the Pathfinder along with additional clips and ammo."




They obviously meant stripper clips, since no one would dare consider carrying more than one magazine.



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