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ATDT 555-1212 . Connect 2400.


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This threads for the hardcore nerds. The slowest modem I ever used was a 2400baud.

Don't thread shit.


I'm just curious how many EX BBSers there are on here.



PreCR stomping grounds.


Whodini's Magik

Starfleet Academy


Heartland - Played doom

The Well - Played doom

The rock -

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I had a 300 way back when, but quickly upgraded to a 1200.


I have a list somewhere of what I frequented.


LineNoise was my favorite, I was a co-sysop on there. I never did any DnD but I saw it everywhere.

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I remember when my dad told me about his work getting a 1200 baud modem. Instead of sending a truck to 4 hours away with order information and etc, they were able to send it all in 1 hour.


Now its all done in a matter of milliseconds. Oh how things change.

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My first was a 2400baud that came with a packard bell 486sx.


I played LORD, Tradewars 2002, and Land of Devestation. Was lots of fun messing around with setting up a BBS. Sucked that each user took an entire phone line and that downloading things meant using the ZModem protocol and running PKZIPFIX to correct for errors if you got the file at all.



I'm glad I was into that stuff because at the company I currently work at the old modem technology is still used in copier fax control modules and learning all that nerdy stuff made me into the corporations best fax line/modem tech.

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Hmm... maybe I ought to see if any of the modems I have lurking around still work, and if so, throw VBBS on just for shits and giggles. I've still got the install file to Esterian Conquest and some kind of VGA Planets facilitator, as well as 'TheDraw' for making menus. Was co-sysop of 'Capsized Brains', and classmates with the owners of 'Q Continuum' and 'Computer High'.


Favorite games included 'Global War' (aka RISK), Solar Realms Elite/Barren Realms Elite/Alpha Colony 6 (I found a very evil exploit in the inflation mechanics which allowed me to basically destroy anybody coming out of the 20-turn protection time, regardless of how powerful they were originally), Legend of the Red Dragon (screenshot kindly provided)

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Line noise we had one in columbus named that. Or where you in columbus.


I posted up LORD just for shits and giggles I played tradewars



It was actually Canal Winchester, but same difference. That was the one I was speaking of... Teh Electronic Highway was another one that comes to mind that I used to frequent...

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My first was a 2400baud that came with a packard bell 486sx.


I played LORD, Tradewars 2002, and Land of Devestation. Was lots of fun messing around with setting up a BBS. Sucked that each user took an entire phone line and that downloading things meant using the ZModem protocol and running PKZIPFIX to correct for errors if you got the file at all.



I'm glad I was into that stuff because at the company I currently work at the old modem technology is still used in copier fax control modules and learning all that nerdy stuff made me into the corporations best fax line/modem tech.


Land of Devastation is how you and I became friends, lol

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It was actually Canal Winchester, but same difference. That was the one I was speaking of... Teh Electronic Highway was another one that comes to mind that I used to frequent...


The owner of TEH gave me my first 9600 baud modem in exchange for a 386 mobo and chip

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My first computer was an Apple IIe, but no modem. The folks wouldn't go for it. Probably a good idea since I would have been dumb enough to rack up long distance or done some freaking from home. If nothing else I would have hogged the phone line 24/7. My first modem was a 2400 baud in the 486 I bought in college. We ran into problems when a friend gave me Windows software for the modem. I had not had a problem till then, but turned out the mouse and the modem used the same IRQ. I didn't do much on the BBS' due to having internet access (pre WWW) through OSU. But I still hogged the phone line, so we had to install a second one at the house. Played several MUDs during that time frame.
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How do you guys even remember this shit. I barely even remember my first computer's name, let alone the specs. Then again, I'm not quite as dorky as you guys. :p


Now we know who all the nerds are :D



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BeerGuy and I use to play MUD's all the time... Rights of Passage then Legends of Chaos. We wasted so many hours of our lives on those two games (Whities vs Darkies!).


We would dial into each others computers and play Command and Conquer too.


Those where the 14.4 days though.


Edit: We would also get on IRC and get porn all the time.

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Land of Devastation is how you and I became friends, lol


Hehe, yes. That was a pretty funny game. I tried to get that guy who started up the Rebel something BBS to install my custom designed language files for it (it had lots of sick crap in place of the standard fight dialog) but he wouldn't go for it. Probably didn't get the teenage humor.

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