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See why I said the os was all opinion and people have no clue what they are talking about. The media player, the way it processes functions and works as a whole is all part of the os. Being boring and consistent is better than the issues that are popping up with android phones all over. The android is updating and fixing a lot of bugs that the iphone has already had time to fix. I know since a lot of people that choose the iphone chose being cool over functionality to begin with so I see a lot of them jumping ship to join the android fad.


You all should check a couple of professional reviews from non biased sources. Using feedback from fanboys is not a good idea if you want the truth. The evo will be the best phone out but will be limited by the company its going to. Its basically round w of what apple did with the iphone.

Edited by V8 Beast
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It requires at least half a brain to be able to use the android OS, which according to some research done over at MIT is at least 6 times as much required to use the iphone OS. Typical Verizon customers and employees fail to meet the half a brain requirement, I believe the study said only about 6% of them fall into that .5 Brain category.
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At this point I'm concerned for you. Unlike Jones who controls his, your audi complex has spread to phones... I feel you may want to seek help before it spreads more and you start arguing about things like how much better your toilet paper is over the competition :lol:
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But seriously.... you hit the nail on the head.. in a strange way, but you did. The iphone is simple and people love simple. Like stated one million times before I prefer android, but people prefer simple and apple cashed in on it.
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"It certainly seems to work better than the Wii remote + iPhone hacks we’ve seen. Pick it up from the Android store or download the APK from the thread linked at the top. This is an alpha version so don’t be shocked if it’s buggy."


iPhones can suck it.

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"How much faster is a Nexus One running Froyo? 450 percent faster"




JIT compilation FTW


Supposedly the Iphone will have the same Apple A4 processor as the Ipad, so it should be 1Ghz just like the EVO.

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