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FS: 9 qts Amsoil engine oil, 3 qts gear oil, spark plugs, etc. - Hilliard


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Clearing out shelf space in the garage.


LOT #1:


- 9 quarts of Amsoil 20w-50 synthetic racing oil. Bottles are about 6 years old, and say "Series 2000" on them.

- 2.9 quarts of Mag 1 80w-90 synthetic gear oil. Two unopened quarts and one opened with just a little bit out of it.


The Amsoil is left over from a race car I used to have. I am not sure where I got the Mag 1 gear oil as it is not a brand I am familiar with.


$25 firm.


LOT #2:


- 1 qt of Advance Auto Parts ATF for Chryslers

- A Fram PH3980 oil filter that fits numerous GM cars (see Fram site)

- A Purolator L10241 oil filters that fits 2.0 Neons, 2.2 / 2.5 Chryslers, and the Lexus 3.0 inline 6 (as in IS300)

- Four (4) Champion RB12YC spark plugs. I believe these were for a 2.5 Chrysler.




Lot #3:


- Redline 75W-90 Synthetic Gear Oil, two full quarts, and a little extra. Maybe a half pint.

- Redline MTL synthetic manual transmission lube.




For the amazing price of $30 you can have it all!


PM or email me. Located in Hilliard near Trueman Blvd. and Davidson Rd.



Edited by 31rx7
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