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Dear Hangover


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Dear Hangover


It's been a while since we've last met. Things have gone well for for me since then. I thought we had gotten over each other, but evidently I was wrong. My life has been better off without you but still you insist on coming back into my life like a headache that won't go away. This is the last letter I'm sending your sorry ass. Fuck you you piece of shit. I have a great night and then you show up the next day like a damn 5 year old that wont quit asking question. Leave me the hell alone.



Yours truly


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My list of drinks I can remember


Multiple shots of wild turkey

multiples of Jose cuervo

Adios Mother Fucker

Belgian waffles

Alot of miller lite

And I'm sure more was involved but I can't remember

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i had 2/3rds of a 5th of jack.. took 3 ibuprofen before bed, and life is wonderful this mornin.


edit: do not substitute aspirin or Tylenol for ibuprofen, they will turn liver into a ticking time bomb

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Buddy's bachelor party extravaganza... drinking from 12:30pm until 4am. I downed at least 30 or something like that, as I never was without a drink of some sort in my hand.



I feel like I am dying.

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