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Dumbest Motherfuckers on this site (Part 2)


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I tried to hang myself but the knot wasnt good enough causing me to fall to the ground and cut my knee. It hurts but I deserve it for making bad knots.


guns work better......































just saying

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I tried to hang myself but the knot wasnt good enough causing me to fall to the ground and cut my knee. It hurts but I deserve it for making bad knots.








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No rule about "can't bring up the past". PS: If you want, you can probably get someone from cr to go with you on your next purchase to make sure it has the engine and driveline you are hoping for in the car.


Haha I'll take you up on that.

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No but I have an NHRA compitition license.

You get your drag racing pre school registration filled out yet?

Next semester is water box etiquette



When your boost kicks in does it knock your tupae off? And what's it like using a walker to get your tools for the space ship? Must take alotta time, somthing you may not have moses

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I was going to shoot myself but forgot the combination to my gun lock. Then I tried to cut my wrist but I had so many silly bands on them that I couldnt cut all the way through. I give up on giving up!


Must be killing u to kill yourself. If u really wanna do it though, hal had come up with some really awsome ideas.


Inect youself with aids, then cut a hole in your floor fill it with poisonus reptiles, then hang yourself with a rope fill with razor blades over the hole. Then before you do this pay a homeless man to unload an m16 clip once you start the hanging process. Good luck tell us how it goes

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I tried to hang myself but the knot wasnt good enough causing me to fall to the ground and cut my knee. It hurts but I deserve it for making bad knots.




Member: Phil




http://www.columbusracing.com/forums/picture.php?albumid=53&pictureid=324 + http://t2.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:SjDWfXeDEmX4qM:http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/a/a8/%2792-%2796_Chevy_Van_LWB.JPG = FAIL

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V8 Beast


Im an emo that punishes myself and feels I never do as good as I should.



And neither do your parents... you never meet their expectations... which (in your vocabulary) is either a "Drag", a "bummer" or, "not rad"....






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