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Soccer idiots


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Another soccer tie? A tie is like frenching your mother...isn't that the old saying? But seriously...I just can't get enough of these 1-1 ties. No wonder this game will never catch on here in the states...sorry, footie fans. Quite a bit harder to hit a 96 mph pitch than play kickball.
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Isn't soccer that one sport where the refs like, dance up to you and hold up a card if you touch someone else on accident or something? Sounds manly.


Yeah, some guy gets tripped or something and acts like he got shot in the back, he starts crying and flails around on the ground like a fish out of water until the stretcher comes and takes him away. Then he comes back in the game 10 minutes later :rolleyes:

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Call me a hater but suddenly the World Cup starts and all the "soccer fans" come out of the woodwork? Odd considering there is never shit published about the Columbus Crew, including when they won the MLS cup.


hate hate hate


Thats the media's fault for not publishing anything about the crew, not the soccer fans.

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Thats the media's fault for not publishing anything about the crew, not the soccer fans.



plus one!


also there are a bit of world soccer fans who have a bit of trouble really getting into mls. for various reasons. although mls is getting better.

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But I know a lot of people that like International soccer a lot more than MLS for various reasons as well, none of which I understand myself. It's never been a sport I've found interesting in the least bit.


I do have some respect for the level of conditioning it takes to play on a professional level though.

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Thats the media's fault for not publishing anything about the crew, not the soccer fans.


Yeah, I think the day that it happened, the Buckeyes beating the shit out of Michigan like 40-0 made sports headlines over the Crew's first MLS championship.

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Yeah, some guy gets tripped or something and acts like he got shot in the back, he starts crying and flails around on the ground like a fish out of water until the stretcher comes and takes him away. Then he comes back in the game 10 minutes later :rolleyes:



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I'm not a fan of soccer, but I can see the appeal. I think it doesn't do well here in America because there isn't enough stoppage in play for networks to run 20 beer commercials or 10 Pizza Hut commercials.


I think that if MLS was broadcasted and covered like other sports that it would be popular in the U.S. maybe not like it is in Brazil or England but there are quite a few soccer fans.

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Im not a soccer fan, but if someone is going to sit here and tell me they are football fans, but think soccer is boring...you can just gtfo.


supergtp is right. Football is run for 2 seconds, rest for 5 minutes. I cant stand that.

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