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$350,000 That Doesnt run.


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I think it's funny that people applaud this guy because he's a " smart and determined business man" who built a one of a kind car... :jerkit: He has an ego. An ego that spent $350,000 on a ugly ass car that he doesn't even drive.


Don't get me wrong, I can appreciate the work and detail that went into the build. But to me it's just another guy with money giving us regular people something to talk about. :rolleyes:

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I think it's funny that people applaud this guy because he's a " smart and determined business man" who built a one of a kind car... :jerkit: He has an ego. An ego that spent $350,000 on a ugly ass car that he doesn't even drive.


Don't get me wrong, I can appreciate the work and detail that went into the build. But to me it's just another guy with money giving us regular people something to talk about. :rolleyes:




$350K for a car? Cute.

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This is why Americans and Japanese vehicles are different.


We find ways to cheap out and cut corners, the Japanese will never overlook a single detail. Also, keep in mind that the Japanese spend money on completely different stuff than we do, simply because investing in a house/land is out of the question for them. Outstanding amount of work, while I can still agree that's a shit-ton of money.

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