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flip flop dealer...


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from the wera board--

flip flop dealer:





maybe we should all send this guy an email. imagine 1900+ emails coming in about his stupid advertising.

its not so much he's in flip flops, i could care less, its the fact that he is a stupid marketer. post up the gear and people will want to buy it. more profit.



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:( I thought this thread was about a moto-sandal group buy.

And as squidly as this marketer turns out to be... any press is good press. I bet his website hits are SKYROCKETING because of the WERA, Ducati, and now OR.net threads. I admit, I'm checking out his inventory just in case I spot something I want.

Edited by JRMMiii
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how many people are stupid enough to actually pay 6k for a 05 katana though?

its also not really the fact that his prices are ridiculous but rather that he is in a sense "promoting" a no gear is cool attitude. i dont care if on his own time and money he rides without gear, but id rather not see him promoting the idea.

if someone crashes without gear and the medical costs goes above what their insurance can cover (which is highly likely), guess who foots the bill. you and me and the rest of the tax payers.

point is why not post up some pics of people riding at the gap with gear, people see it and think hey that looks cool, and then sell gear on your site as well.

Edited by natedogg624
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