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Rotted sub floor


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Well out lovely home threw us another curve ball well removing the old wood floor for new wood floor. Around our sliding glass door the subfloor is rotted out and the contractor wont install out new floor until someone repairs it. Anyone have any ideas other than ripping out the sliding glass door and removing the siding?





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definitly have to remove the door frame, the wall should be ok to get to the rest. then after you remove the door frame remove and replace what is needed, and while your in there you should spray some antimicrobial to prevent it from spreading. also you should be very carefull when removing the molded wood, it could be covered with mold spoors that will burst and spread the shit all over the house, then your in for a real nightmear.


oh and after further review of the pics, i would cut out the lowwer portion of the dry wall where its falling apart, and covered with mold. its beond repair especially the side to the right of the door, i can see the mold growing on it in the picture. you should cut a straight line accross the drywall aprx 3-4 inches higher than the highest water mark or mold spot. that way you are sure to remove all the potential mold that you can.

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