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Canadians intercepted Russian bombers before Obama visit


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This has started happening ..after a lull..much more now that Russia has a sack. They want that 'Super Power' status back, and keeping the West true is one way to do it. These flights used to happen all the time...then they stopped..and now they're back on again.

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Like I said when they invaded Georgia......Putin's still in charge over there. He's just pullin' the strings a'la Cheney style....."Power behind the throne"

Never really understood the whole NORAD bit. Maybe back in the day, but isn't it kinda obsolete/redundant now with the technological/weaponry advances

Aside from the whole 2 are stronger than 1 thing I guess

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that bomber looks like its from the stone ages.

Tu-95 "Bear" from the 1950s, almost as old as the B-52 design. It flies nearly as fast. And nearly as far. It isn't a bomber anymore, it's used for reconnaissance or ELINT (ELectronic INTelligence gathering) or missile carry for attacking aircraft carriers or sometimes anti-submarine patrol at low altitude. It is still considered a very serious threat to aircraft carriers.

The one in Canada was probably ELINT, gathering intel from intercepting signals. That can be done from hundreds of miles away. And yes, it probably did have something to do with the US president being there in Canada.

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