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they call me lifeflight


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I went down hard on Sat night around 5. RVT43125 (John) and I were riding the good roads up along 715 and we were really carving it up. We rode hard and I didn't have any problems until we were heading home on 79 outside of Coshocton. John was ahead and making a right hander, probably went into it around 70 or 80...He was able to slow down and keep it on the road; however, I was not so lucky. I remember coming up on his ass real hard and I just remember thinking I didn't want to take him out. As soon as I hit the gravel on the edge of the road, I was out...literally. I lowsided hard and I don't remember anything other than lights out. I woke up to John telling me to lie there and not to move...I blacked out again and woke up face down in a ditch/muddy creek beside the road. I stumbled across the rode to the other side and collapsed in the yard of some house. John was trying to call 911 but couldn't get cell service. He recruited a neighbor to use a landline and he got the squad. There was a nurse who saw the scene and she stopped to check me out. I was pretty sure I didn't have any broken bones, but my leg really hurt and my shoulder was jacked too. The ambulance arrived about 25 mins later and I loaded onto the backboard and swept away to Coschocton Memorial Hospital on the most uncomfortable backboard ever constructed.

I was given the standard xrays and catscans while drugs and salene were being pumped into my body. I also learned there's no painless way to clean road rash...John was a true friend and stayed there with me until it started raining and he still had 75 miles to get home...I thought everything was going to be ok until the doctor came back into the room (after 5 hours of pictures and evaluations) and told me I had a punctured lung and bleeding in my stomach but they weren't sure where the bleeding was coming from. He told me lifeflight was on the way to take me to the OSU trauma center where they were going to have to operate on my intestines to stop the bleeding...I wasn't worried until I heard "chest tube"...

The flight was pretty cool; I made it to the OSU trauma center and they tookme into the ER room. It took them about 15 minutes to realize I didn't have any internal bleeding and there was no puncture in my lung...They advised that I did bruise my liver, spleen, and lungs, but no surgery was necessary. I spent the rest of the night in a room, but I was awakened every hour, gotta love concussions.

So it's going to be a few weeks recovery for the road rash, but the real danger is my lungs, spleen, and liver. If something happens before they are completely healed I could do permanent damage...I've got a follow up evaluation in a few weeks.

I went to survey the bike damage today and it was a quick decision to make the call to progressive.

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did the bike land in a creek? After my first accidnet (got hit) i limped my ass into motorsports of columbus and the good men there would not sell me a bike and to come back when I was healed. Even if you dont take your own advice I hope some of the riders here will kindly remind you of your doctors orders and not ride till your better

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You talk about getting the shit scared out of you. We were really hitting the corners hard. I was actually in crash mode myself and expected Gregg to zip past me on the right. Then I see the black blur of a 600RR hitting the dirt/mud then flipping over and Greg laying face down about a foot from a large puddle. Then the adrenalin kicked in.

It’s good to hear Greg is doing well and hated leaving him at Coshocton Hospital but I knew he had family on the way.

Get well soon buddy.

I expect to be carving the corners with you again soon.

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wow that is crazy, and to think I was talking to you guys right before you headed out there to ride. Glad to see you are doing okay, and I hope you recover quickly. If you need anything let me know.

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Glad to hear you are in one piece... even if it is one ugly pc ...hehe

dude you gotta watch the corners up here cause they dont make sense sometimes and they take some time to learn... plus if a cow gets loose or you

ride between one hour till dark and one hour after you see alot of deer...

please be carefull guys...It only takes one mistake and your hamburger...

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Wow greg, Im sorry man. That sucks. I hope you get better soon. dont do anything the doc tells you not too. Not worth the risk, you kinda need those organs!! I hope you have a speedy and full recovery. I plan to visit you soon! Later bro!

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