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F-ing 106.7....


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My new Droid:I = Pandora. Now I just gotta figure out how to get it hooked into my factory headunit.


I saw best buy sells the bluetooth -> radio piece for $70. Clips to your visors, works with your phone and all media. If your head unit has USB you can just use that.

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Did you expect anything less from Clear Channel?


Not that I thought 106.7 was that great to begin with, but it is ran by Clear Channel so It's only bound to get worse.


This.^ I've never lived in a large city like this (well, cbus ain't that big, but you know what I mean) where the radio stations suck so incredibly much. And fuck Clear Channel and thier lining up their radio stations to all play commercials around the same time and their overediting or bleeping of songs. I mean, some of the shit they decide to bleep is fuckin ridiculous. I genereally scan thru the stations here right before I goto xm or a cd. Can't usually get too far with listening to local.


And one more thing, since they took over the signal strength from their stations started sucking. It doesn't seem as bad lately, but still, why in the fuck is your station not coming in "CLEARly" and I'm in the same fucking city?!

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