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Not a guarantee, but....


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You must have one of those double-short ETF's ;)


I'm not scared because some coincidental chart match-aroo isn't reason enough to be scared.


Companies are laying off fewer people; more companies are hiring more people; retail is up... too many good signs right now to be scared.

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First it was Mole, now Karl Denninger's seeing it:


Actually, Denninger posted that before Mole's chart... either way, not pretty


Denninger feeds on fear. If the economy turned around tomorrow he wouldn't be getting mad paid off of his blog. He's a self righteous prick who TRULY isn't any better than any other analyst out there. He fakes his "year end results" by leaving off a lot of predictions he made that he missed, or calling one a "hit" when he missed 3/4 of his prediction.


I take most of those guys with a grain of salt. There is a reason that no one ever heard of this IT guy with no training in economics till the shit hit the fan.


Take his predictions with a grain of salt.


That said, we were going into a long holiday weekend in the middle of summer, it's hard to compare 2 completely different trading scenarios

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Seriously? Charting? Bwahahaha. Ok whatever, Nostradamus.


You poke fun, but "charting" as you call it, or "Technical Analysis" as the big brokerages do, is what drives the vast majority of program trading. My idea here was to put it out there that this chart pattern happened before, is setting itself up again, and in an environment like this, it doesn't take much to cause more programs to issue sell orders than there are programs issuing buy orders. When that happens... *BOOM*... you have a stock market crash.

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You poke fun, but "charting" as you call it, or "Technical Analysis" as the big brokerages do, is what drives the vast majority of program trading. My idea here was to put it out there that this chart pattern happened before, is setting itself up again, and in an environment like this, it doesn't take much to cause more programs to issue sell orders than there are programs issuing buy orders. When that happens... *BOOM*... you have a stock market crash.


HFT is bullshit anyways

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HFT is bullshit anyways


Agreed... the so-called "flash crash" back on May 6 seems to have been caused by HFT systems attempting to act on an NYSE data stream that was lagging, and as anybody who has played an online game will testify, lag kills.

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The funny thing about studying charts and making predcitions based on them is that your prediction come true based on your own decisions.


Excellent point. I'm still a ways off from retiring, so I'm in it for the long haul... :)

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Agreed... the so-called "flash crash" back on May 6 seems to have been caused by HFT systems attempting to act on an NYSE data stream that was lagging, and as anybody who has played an online game will testify, lag kills.


Yeah, then they were able to circumvent every protection policy put into place by trading through different exchanges. So the NYSE stopped it, then the fucking HFT machines were just able to keep trading on another platform.... so stupid

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I'm not scared because some coincidental chart match-aroo isn't reason enough to be scared.


Companies are laying off fewer people; more companies are hiring more people; retail is up... too many good signs right now to be scared.


wake up dude everything in your post is the opposite. retail is up rofl jobs rofl :gtfo:

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