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Droid peeps.....Earbuds?


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What are you using? Which allow you to control volume, pause/play and maybe have a mic to answer?

This is probably the single best thing the iPhone has over over devices. iPod controls were amazing. I have a set now that allows me to pause/play. If I click twice it'll make the phone call the last number I talked to. Useless feature. Also, i'd really like to stay $30<

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I got a pair of skullcandy earbuds at microcenter for i think $25. They go deep in your ear with different size silicone things for comfort. They sound amazing. They have a little microphone thing that has a single button that can pause/play but also skip forward if you press it a few times quickly. No volume control though, but they really are amazing sounding earbuds.


these: http://www.microcenter.com/single_product_results.phtml?product_id=0322297


edit: most iphone oriented earbuds will work with android phones, along with most of the controls.

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Possible, but can you do all the other stuff i mentioned. I can one click answer and talk with this free pair i have. I need track change, vol adjust, plus answer.


Did you even read the link? Try again and find your answer.

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I use the ones that came with my N1. It has everything you are looking for, even has little android dudes on them.


The hell I get a pair of these? I went to Apple today bought a pair 3GS. They pause/play, no track skip or vol. Taking back tomorrow. I read somewhere that the $30 iFrogz are good. May try those tomorrow.

I have a hard time tossing 100 at headphones.


Nevermind, Trowa...i want no details. With those, i'd have to worry about them. Breaking them, someone stealing them etc. With a pair of buds, i put in my pocket, shoe any place they fit. Never have to think about em. I dont want that to change.

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