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Top Japanese Scientists: Warming Is Not Caused By Human Activity


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Top Japanese Scientists: Warming Is Not Caused By Human Activity

Steve Watson


Friday, Feb 27th, 2009


A major scientific report by leading Japanese academics concludes that global warming is not man-made and that the overall warming trend from the mid-part of the 20th Century onwards has now stopped.

Unsurprisingly the report, which was released last month, has been completely ignored by the Western corporate media.

The report was undertaken by Japan Society of Energy and Resources (JSER), the academic society representing scientists from the energy and resource fields.

The JSER acts as a government advisory panel, much like the International Panel on Climate Change did for the UN.

The JSER’s findings provide a stark contrast to the IPCC’s, however, with only one out of five top researchers agreeing with the claim that recent warming has been accelerated by man-made carbon emissions.

The government commissioned report criticizes computer climate modeling and also says that the US ground temperature data set, used to back up the man-made warming claims, is too myopic.

In the last month, no major Western media outlet has covered the report, which prompted British based sci-tech website

The Register to commission a translation of the document.

Section one highlights the fact that Global Warming has ceased, noting that since 2001, the increase in global temperatures has halted, despite a continuing increase in CO2 emissions.

The report then states that the recent warming the planet has experienced is primarily a recovery from the so called "Little Ice Age" that occurred from around 1400 through to 1800, and is part of a natural cycle.

The researchers also conclude that global warming and the halting of the temperature rise are related to solar activity, a notion previously dismissed by the IPCC.

"The hypothesis that the majority of global warming can be ascribed to the Greenhouse Effect is mistaken." the report’s introduction states.

Kanya Kusano, Program Director and Group Leader for the Earth Simulator at the Japan Agency for Marine-Earth Science & Technology (JAMSTEC) reiterates this point:

"[The IPCC's] conclusion that from now on atmospheric temperatures are likely to show a continuous, monotonic increase, should be perceived as an unprovable hypothesis,"

Shunichi Akasofu, head of the International Arctic Research Center in Alaska, cites historical data to challenge the claim that very recent temperatures represent an anomaly:

"We should be cautious, IPCC’s theory that atmospheric temperature has risen since 2000 in correspondence with CO2 is nothing but a hypothesis. "

"Before anyone noticed, this hypothesis has been substituted for truth… The opinion that great disaster will really happen must be broken." Akasofu concludes.

The key passages of the translated report can be found


The conclusions within the report

dovetail with those of hundreds of Western scientists, who have been derided and even compared with holocaust deniers for challenging the so called "consensus" on global warming.

The total lack of exposure that this major report has received is another example of how skewed coverage of climate change is toward one set of hypotheses.

This serves the agenda to deliberately whip up mass hysteria on behalf of governments who are all too eager to introduce

draconian taxation and control measures that won’t do anything to combat any form of warming, whether you believe it to be natural or man-made.

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I read about this the other day. When it comes to intelligence and technology, I'm going to believe the Japanese long before I'll believe anything the US government tells me. So yay, no global warming.

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oh bloody hell, now what are the sheep gonna bloat about? I guess they'll forget about the polar bears and go back to the rain forests.

My question is, no one EVER believes a politician. EVER. unless he's trying to save the environment, what for one instance makes someone think that all of the sudden, what's coming out of a politicians mouth ISN'T utter shit? that's my question Professor Gore. mmmm'kay?

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  JRMMiii said:
That is interesting. I tend to put a lot more faith in Japanese research than what we're told here.

Why? All they've ended up doing is getting themselves constantly ravaged by monsters. That whole Godzilla vs Mothra bit was the line in the sand for me.

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i knew it was bullshit! Damn Al Gore and all of his horse puckey! My physics teacher told us in high school about Global warming and that we should be going through a mini ice age within our lifetime due to the warming and cooling cycles of the earth. Turns out not only did he have his masters but he was a meteorologist before teaching.

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  Tomcat0403 said:
My physics teacher told us in high school about Global warming and that we should be going through a mini ice age within our lifetime due to the warming and cooling cycles of the earth.

that's gonna put a damper on riding season...

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Global warming is scam, I've always believed that, and even if it was not, what the hell is the usa going to do? we are one country in a big world, are we gonna go over to china, and all the other countries that pollute their asses off and make them shut their factories down, no we are not, they will laugh in our faces. Oh yeah, and Al Gore is not a scientist.

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