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full-body scanners in CMH


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Yup. That's exactly what I meant. Thank you for the crystal clear understanding. :)


Sorry if I ruffled feathers, and I think it's BS too, but if scanners are used and they don't get outlawed our options are what? Suck it up or don't fly.


I'm not sure how that became "them" taking everything you own and shitting in your sink, but it's all good. You going to them and using their services and them coming to your home and taking said shit seems to be two different things to me. Using a public service voluntarily and an invasion/take over of personal property are seperate items. all together. Nobody forced you to fly, did they? Maybe I'm wrong. I honestly don't know the whole back story so I'll admit I may be reading into this differently than necessary. For that I appologize.


For the record, I'm TOTALLY "on your side" with the scanners. I think they suck. I think taking 2 friggin' hours to get through security is a waste of time and man-power for the most part. I think it's absurd that my shampoo can't fly with me. The only thing it's ever attacked was dandruff. My mouthwash has only fought gingavitus.


I will fight for my rights, don't make any mistake about it, but for the time being and while the "fight" is taking place it boils down, once again, to two options.


EDIT: I know see how the "There are ALWAYS other options but most people would rather complain than take the alternative." could have been taken as an attack on you. That was not my original intentions. My bad.


no you're good. but, it is for my work. i would have to change to a different job in a shit economy to avoid it. i was just being extreme.

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I didnt read all the responses but...


Looks like I'm going to be scanned on Saturday. I'm a fairly frequently flyer, but not enough to where this worries me. I just dont want some perv checking out my junk. You probably are exposed to more radiation once on the plane than from the scanner.


But what if it was a hot chick watching the x-ray machine would it be ok? My wife might scan you saturday you never know. ;)

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You are all are just bitching because someone can see how big your package is... or isn't. STFU... If you were on a plane and some mother fucker started lighting his shoe on fire or the bomb in his pants, you all would cry "how did he get threw security with the explosives" booo fucking hoo...
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You are all are just bitching because someone can see how big your package is... or isn't. STFU... If you were on a plane and some mother fucker started lighting his shoe on fire or the bomb in his pants, you all would cry "how did he get threw security with the explosives" booo fucking hoo...



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LOL, my sister works for TSA at the air port. she said they told her going through the scanner one time is the same amount of radiation as 12 hours of the radiation you get from your TV. ohh no we are all going to die ahhhhhhhhhh....
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LOL, my sister works for TSA at the air port. she said they told her going through the scanner one time is the same amount of radiation as 12 hours of the radiation you get from your TV. ohh no we are all going to die ahhhhhhhhhh....


Yeah there is a better chance of this happening. I AM NEVER FLYING AGAIN



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That's creepy, and definitely invasion of privacy in my opinion. I saw a documentary on some channel about these awhile back, and I remember it being basically a nude shot in weird colors. Plus, who knows where those images are being archived and who can get access to them. Hopefully someone gets the nude scans of Obama and posts them on the interwebz so we can legislate this crap out before it does any damage.
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I remember it being basically a nude shot in weird colors.


I think you're thinking of something else. Its like an x-ray, no color, and for the most part no skin, just a very faint ghostly appearance of skin.


You wanna see Obama naked?

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you can see body parts though. no color, but but it can see nipples and the shape of breasts, along with the shape of your wiener. basically they need a picture of our cock to get on the plane now.


what if you were a tranny.... LOL that would be interesting for the TSA worker. Ma'am we are going to need to do a further search as it appears you have something stowed in your private area... hahah

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LOL, my sister works for TSA at the air port. she said they told her going through the scanner one time is the same amount of radiation as 12 hours of the radiation you get from your TV. ohh no we are all going to die ahhhhhhhhhh....


This is correct. I remember way back learning that in the U.S. the max recommended radiation that people should be exposed to is 5 rems/year (REM = rontgen equivalent in man) and I say that just because I don't know the conversion to the SI. As far as I know, one x-ray is 5 millirems, so you see that there is nothing to fear in terms of sickness.


In terms of constitutionality, you are all off your rockers.


"The right of the people to be secure in their persons, houses, papers, and effects, against unreasonable searches and seizures, shall not be violated, and no Warrants shall issue, but upon probable cause, supported by Oath or affirmation, and particularly describing the place to be searched, and the persons or things to be seized."


Unreasonable searches/seizures is a personal right that entitles you to be free to carry what you wish around your everyday life. Do you complain when you go to a sporting event and they pat you down? Or how about when they tell you "No outside food or drink?" Is it your Constitutionally protected right to take what you want inside a stadium/arena, even if it is publicly funded (like, for instance, the 'Shoe)? Absolutely not.


In the interest of public safety, we have to give up some rights. No one has forced you to attend games at the Shoe where you have to be patted down and leave food/drink outside. Just like no one is forcing you to fly out of CMH. Its not your Constitutionally guaranteed right to have the most convenient avenues of travel available to you, is it? If you disagree with CMH's policy of asking you to leave your shampoo at home or bring it in a 1qt bag, or if you don't want to be xrayed, then it IS your Constitutionally guaranteed right to peacefully gather to protest it, and you can instead choose a different airport that doesn't do body scanning. But because its inconvenient for you to do those things, obviously someone else needs to change their way of doing things, right?

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There are no other airports that u can fly out of here.... Rickenbacker doesn't have commercial flights anymore, otherwise I sure freaking would!



But really, there really isn't too much of a issue because it can be refused. It's just a waste of money, and unnecessary. Because the terriost is going to refuse it too if he is carrying something, so how is it helping anything. Waste of tax dollars and peoples time.

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There are no other airports that u can fly out of here.... Rickenbacker doesn't have commercial flights anymore, otherwise I sure freaking would!



But really, there really isn't too much of a issue because it can be refused. It's just a waste of money, and unnecessary. Because the terriost is going to refuse it too if he is carrying something, so how is it helping anything. Waste of tax dollars and peoples time.


That's because they're built and used so that they can say they're doing their best to protect the public. Not because it'll actually do more good. Because, seriously, what else can you really fucking do before it's just absurd. Shit, I feel we've reached that level already. And on the occasion that a scanner catches a fucking idiot for a leftover firecracker forgotten in the bottom of some old windbreaker, then they'll have even more reason to push the damn things on us. And as we learn to accept this as 'norm', they'll take it a step further and we'll all be in here again discussing it like we have no fucking memory. :nono:

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In the interest of public safety, we have to give up some rights.


Fail times infinity. If you don't mind some stranger seeing you nude, your wife/girlfriend nude, your little kids nude, then something is wrong with you.


How about walking into a shopping mall, should we be scanned before entering? Or going inside a movie theater? Or how about even your workplace? Nobody is FORCING you to work are they? Trying to pick apart the constitution on technicalities is destroying this country and our freedoms. I say we throw the scanners into Boston harbor.

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Not sure if this effects many of you, but the recently installed full body 'strip search' machines are BULLSHIT. i am a frequent flyer, so I deal with this weekly. There is NO WAY in hell I am going to have an xray once a week, who knows what that radiation is going to do.


They just installed these a couple weeks ago, i have been picked to go through it 2 times already. Which of course I refused and got patted and wanded instead.


Write a really nice letter to the radical Muslims in the world, that deem it necessary to blow up plans and/or hijack them. If there wasn't a need for them, the process wouldn't exist. On top of that, I'll trust an X-ray machine over a TSA agent anyday. What's really embarrassing is flying in uniform and being told to take half of it off.

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