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Anyone ever have to bail their dog out of the pound?


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Long story short is 19 days ago our dog wondered off. I was outside cleaning his cage with hose, he was laying in the yard. I look back to call him inside and he is gone...well he never came back. Tonight im on the local pounds website and he is the 1st dog pictured up for adoption.


Now heres the problem I never got tags for him (he was never left outside unattended). Don't lecture me on how I shouldve had tags, I dont wanna hear your bullshit. What I need to know is, is it going to be cheaper to call in and tell them he's mine or is it going to be cheaper to go and adopt him as if I didnt know him. Its $95 to adopt, but webpage doesnt list cost of bailing him out...

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illl be the asshole here pony up the 95 bucks ya cheap ass an get ur dog back since u were a irresponsible/lazy/cheap ass in the first place to get him tags....



thennn keep ur dog on LEASH... pets are like family dude step it up :finger:

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you dont deserve to have that dog if you are debating on the best tactical way to get your dog back. Let the dog be and someone who actually cares will adopt and treat the dog right.


No chance my dog ever has to go to the pound but if she did I would be breaking the fucking door down to get her back.

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you dont deserve to have that dog if you are debating on the best tactical way to get your dog back. Let the dog be and someone who actually cares will adopt and treat the dog right.


No chance my dog ever has to go to the pound but if she did I would be breaking the fucking door down to get her back.


Got to agree with you there.

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you dont deserve to have that dog if you are debating on the best tactical way to get your dog back. Let the dog be and someone who actually cares will adopt and treat the dog right.


No chance my dog ever has to go to the pound but if she did I would be breaking the fucking door down to get her back.



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I have to agree with everyone here. I mean do you really want/deserve the dog if your worried about paying the $95?


Not trying to shit on your thread or being an asshole I'm just an animal lover, and I feel if I had lost one of my animals my life would be put on hold. I'd much rather shell out $100 for my animal than putting money into anything else including car, bills, or even my own food to a point (obviously if I was starving I would give my animals up to someone who could affod them).


Just saying... Maybe you should keep your money and get a goldfish.

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I guess litteracy is not a strong suit to most of the fucktards on this site since none of you could read the part about "not wanting to hear your asshole comments". Do I feel bad that he is in the pound..obviously! Do I have the means to go get him out at this moment, fuck no. I have 34 dollars to my name, maybe you can donate the other 61 dollars since you feel so fucking bad. But since everyone feels the need to be cocksuckers youll be glad to know that I am about 90% sure my step dad is going to go bail him out tomorrow, and if he doesnt I am going to call and see if I can have them hold him til next friday when I get paid again.


Oh and to those that said I dont take care of him, I guess thats why I spend 300 bucks every 2 fucking months on medicine to treat his skin disorder. Or the reason he is inside an air conditioned house instead of outside on a fucking chain...yup I don't take care of my dog. So again in the nicest way I can say it..Fuck you!

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I guess litteracy is not a strong suit to most of the fucktards on this site since none of you could read the part about "not wanting to hear your asshole comments". Do I feel bad that he is in the pound..obviously! Do I have the means to go get him out at this moment, fuck no. I have 34 dollars to my name, maybe you can donate the other 61 dollars since you feel so fucking bad. But since everyone feels the need to be cocksuckers youll be glad to know that I am about 90% sure my step dad is going to go bail him out tomorrow, and if he doesnt I am going to call and see if I can have them hold him til next friday when I get paid again.


Oh and to those that said I dont take care of him, I guess thats why I spend 300 bucks every 2 fucking months on medicine to treat his skin disorder. Or the reason he is inside an air conditioned house instead of outside on a fucking chain...yup I don't take care of my dog. So again in the nicest way I can say it..Fuck you!



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Im not trying to be a dick but I hate when someone says "maybe you should take care of your dog", or "you don't deserve the dog". Well tell that to the guy who has his car stolen, maybe he didnt deserve it either since he forgot to lock his doors, or hit his alarm button, right?
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Im not trying to be a dick but I hate when someone says "maybe you should take care of your dog", or "you don't deserve the dog". Well tell that to the guy who has his car stolen, maybe he didnt deserve it either since he forgot to lock his doors, or hit his alarm button, right?


but at least that car is registered to him

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You want to talk shit and his poor dog is getting prison raped as we speak.






Sorry, there is no excuse to not buy a dog license

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Guest tbutera2112
im gonna go adopt the fucking thing first thing in the morning...when you save up $500 ill sell him back to you...if you dont want him at that point, ill just turn him into a rabid pit fighter and win my muffakin moneyz back
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im gonna go adopt the fucking thing first thing in the morning...when you save up $500 ill sell him back to you...if you dont want him at that point, ill just turn him into a rabid pit fighter and win my muffakin moneyz back


profit/ :bangbang:

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im gonna go adopt the fucking thing first thing in the morning...when you save up $500 ill sell him back to you...if you dont want him at that point, ill just turn him into a rabid pit fighter and win my muffakin moneyz back


Haha do it let me know how it all works out for ya

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