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Z faggot

Alex L.

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Idk why you guys are getting butthurt. We as members made that rule he followed it. he said sorry for his actions so just get over it seriously. Just becasue someone pissed in your wheaties doesnt mean you gotta be bitchmade and complain about some little shit.



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I've decided this site isn't for you.


Best post you've ever made. I guess its kinda like when you see someone and you just don't like their face. I come on here and see this noob post whoring left and right, and just something about the posts rub me the wrong way. I'm just glad I'm not the only one that's noticed the faggotry.

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But srsly, He's followed the rules up till this point and remember we all let him in. Now because there's a band wagon of people wanting him gone we should get rid of him?


I'll admit I don't care for some of his posts. Saying things then a few posts later trying to cover his butt like he just didn't say something stupid. Still, CR is driven by the drama . I have to admit, it makes for some good reading at work. And I don't give a fuck so carry on.



And Paul, I suggest you switch a diet that includes less fiber... :lol:

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