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Z faggot

Alex L.

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Praise the Ignore List!



Cleaning up the bullshit:



So for you looking at this thread is probably like 2 pages of V8 Beast or whatever his current screenname is, and not much else

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Praise the Ignore List!



Cleaning up the bullshit:



how is paul not on this list?

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:gtfo: he was talking about alex you re re


Duur, I know lol. I was simply referring to the fact that he's ignoring my ownage of him, probably because he can't glue together a sentence that actually makes sense or is grounded in fact.

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Duur, I know lol. I was simply referring to the fact that he's ignoring my ownage of him, probably because he can't glue together a sentence that actually makes sense or is grounded in fact.




REALLLLY. you still have something to say to me, you stupid little fuck.


i was just going to let it go, but ok nut swinger, here ya go...


Here is what a couple minutes of looking through old threads brought up.


Last fall at Whiskey Dicks. Some jackass pulled his girlfriend into the spikey fence outside, and then hit her. So my buddy and I ran over and he ran away. My buddy tackeled him and was exchanging blows with him on the ground, got him pinned kinda, so I started jacking him in the face. Then my buddy in the band that was playing came over and jacked me in the face hahaha. He's like 38, 5'8"ish and probably around 230lbs. I'm 165-170lbs hahaha but I still had enough in me to grab him as I was recoiling, and looked up to hit him, saw it was him and held back. He didn't know he hit me and apologized a ton afterwards. He just saw a few guys on top of one guy and didn't know what was going on so he was trying to end it. The dude that hit his girlfriend got pretty jacked up though, and she ended up in the hospital cause she's got some disorder where she bruises REALLY easily, so she was pretty messed up.


This one REALLY goes to show how big of a pussy you are. You were hitting a dude in the face while your buddy held him down??? WOW!!!





Yeah, to know the whole story you would have to be on OR too. I didn't read every single post in every single thread involving these two, but what it comes down to is jcroz being a monumental douche canoe. Hell, damn near the entirety of regular posters on OR was ripping him a new asshole, Tyler included. And if you ask me, he deserved it. Jcroz just started flipping on Tyler for razzing him a bit on here as well. I've actually seen this jcroz kid get in a pissing match on facebook with a 30 year old that was twice his size. He's obviously a butthurt little brat that thinks teh intarwebz aer serius bidness. Good riddance.



Once again on the bandwagon…imagine that. You had nothing to say until dude was banned and gone.. But u show up at the end to ‘punch the guy in the face’ after the rest of CR had him held down, just like in real life!


I don't even know you that well, but every time I see a GTI hatch I think "Oh shit is that Shanton's car??".

It's sad to see a local legend go, but I'm sure whatever you have next will be sick.


sucking shanton's nutz-


Looks like you got over that little spill you took


I'm so jealous though haha, that's gotta be beyond a blast.


on this guys nuts. some motorcycle dude.


I'm pretty sure when I was born I also didn't realize I was sucking on my mom's tits,

and that just today I got extreme enjoyment out of doing the same thing to my girlfriend. I know a couple gay guys that were raised in very traditional,

conservative, small town settings. I'm pretty sure social influence would have led them on the path to be straight, and yet here they are living otherwise.



i get enjoyment sucking on your girls titties too.





This is only like the last year. You are a nut swingin bitch, that jumps on the bandwagon to hate on people here just like I said.


Now. Are we done here.

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