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Red Beard

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Poor dog. But I got ask, what the fuck is wrong with the dog's owner? Shouldn't have let your f'n dog over there in the first place. She probably thought it'd be funny to see her dog fuck with the deer, but unlucky for the dog, it went the other way.


It's been so long, I'd almost forgotten. I had a dog attacked by a deer before, but it didn't go well for the deer. Titan chased some deer into the woods near my house in Bryan, Texas. I chased afterward in time to see a doe distract him from it's fawn. Which, I was grateful for. I didn't want him attacking anything. I called him off and as he returned to me, the deer charged at him. I began running towards them. It knocked him down and tried the same shit, but he grabbed it's leg and stood up. I remember the deer thrashing around a shitload and bleating like hell, a combination of that and him pulling, the deer went down. I saw him moving up for the kill as the deer tried to stand. This all happened in about 5 damn seconds. I got there, grabbed him and in that moment, the deer sprung up and took off. I believe it's leg may've been broken. I couldn't find it anywhere, though. I felt terrible for the deer as it was only doing what it's supposed to do.

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