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Georgia Gun Control


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At the gym yesterday I glanced at the TV to see the topic of gun control being discussed on CNN. They had an e-mail from Georgia that said

"I'd just like to let you know that down here in Georgia, the topic of gun control means how well you can hit your target"

I like it.

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I second that.

I'd also like to propose a ban on computers with more than a 386 processor and 256 meg of ram, and limit HD size to 10gig, there is no reason any law abiding citizen needs a computer with more. These high powered computers are the ones criminals use to break into secure servers and steal information and do harm.

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  • 1 year later...
At the gym yesterday I glanced at the TV to see the topic of gun control being discussed on CNN. They had an e-mail from Georgia that said

"I'd just like to let you know that down here in Georgia, the topic of gun control means how well you can hit your target"

I like it.

I wish more states had this mentality.

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