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Police can legally attach GPS to your car without a warrant.


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Incorrect. All the NSA, CIA, DEA, ATF or Homeland Security are required to do is give the carrier a "National Security Letter" saying that the carrier is required to assist in tracking or tapping that phone. Currently, all of the major carriers are complying with these letters while waiting for a court to rule on the legality of the issue. I think Verizon has challenged these letters in the past, and has a court case ongoing, but has essentially rolled over now.


Now a local or state organization is going to have a harder time getting into your phone...but judges maintain a stack of pre-signed warrants all ready for an agency to call and ask for.


Your incorrect. They can get a warrant and make special calls to legal but they do not just gave out info freely.


I speak on authority since I used to handle warranty and legal documents for timewarner.

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