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Droid root ???


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So look....I started this. got 2.2 off after doing all the adb steps. I completed all that. Now I am at the HBOOT USB section. Windows detects the Android 1.0 and wants the driver. I have pulled down atleast 10 sets of drivers and I cannot extract the .dll files from it. tells me the file is corrupt. Pulling it directly from the public site. Since I cannot get this driver installed, I can't proceed to unrevoked steps. Any idea or anyone have a good zip of the drivers??
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Motorola is ruining android...



Do NOT load the leaked 2.2 upgrade that has been floating around on the Internets. There is currently no upgrade path from that load to the official 2.2 load that will be released by early September. Unless you have some plan to flash your phone back to the current official load, you could be stuck on the leaked version.


That's for the X

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Droid is awesome except for 1 thing I have found so far. There is no damn video editing app for the phone. All I want to do is remove 10 seconds at the end from a video I took on my phone and I got nothing. iPhone does it. If a phone has enough processing power then why not?


in before you should video edit on a computer and other worthless fanboy excuses.

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Why not take the vid off to your PC, edit it, then upload it back to the phone?


This is exactly what I am talking about.


What if I only have a smart phone and no computer? Then what do I do previous iPhone user?

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You can use youtube's video editor:



But i'm sure it wont be long before there is one


It won't work I already tried that. It says my browser is not supported and some options will not work. I am just running the stock android browser. I even tried dolphin browser with no dice.

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