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The (((((GREATEST))))) Story EVAR TOLD!!!


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sorry bro...but that is total crap. no one in their right minds carries on with charges, public humiliation, familial humiliation, lost jobs due to charges, and damaged rep regardless the outcome for days on end to pull out evidence on the last day. we all know charges are enough these days to lose everything you own...

this dude would have to already jobless, worthless, living in his parents basement, and disowned to let this charade dontinue.

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sorry bro...but that is total crap. no one in their right minds carries on with charges, public humiliation, familial humiliation, lost jobs due to charges, and damaged rep regardless the outcome for days on end to pull out evidence on the last day. we all know charges are enough these days to lose everything you own...

this dude would have to already jobless, worthless, living in his parents basement, and disowned to let this charade dontinue.


Charges and convictions are two different things. If a company did fire him and he was found innocent he could sue for wrongful termination.

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Charges and convictions are two different things. If a company did fire him and he was found innocent he could sue for wrongful termination.


They wouldn't fire him based on the charges. They would however fire him based on some BS excuse they could back up. Like failure to report for work while he was in jail.

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Charges and convictions are two different things. If a company did fire him and he was found innocent he could sue for wrongful termination.


a work place most likely cannot endure the bad press and your out whether you like it or not. sue for your position back and see how long you last until you get hit with performance or anything else while under a microscope.

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a work place most likely cannot endure the bad press and your out whether you like it or not. sue for your position back and see how long you last until you get hit with performance or anything else while under a microscope.


I've seen it first hand. It was a concealed carry issue (not a rape issue) but the employee was let go. We only allow 2 court dates per year outside of jury duty and it took way more than that. When public record showed the charge was on the way home from work we said they violated the no gun rule on company property and terminated their employment. He was found innocent then lawyered up to get his job back. His position was reinstated, he was paid for 3 months of missed salary, and given back his position with tenure as if he never left.


P.S. if you think you purposely try to fire someone like this you are mistaken. A person like this you stay away from due to already having a case won against you. If you nit pick on him but cant show consistent past examples of people being fired for the same reason you are just giving them more time off with pay and giving yourself the same bad press you were trying to avoid...

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sorry bro...but that is total crap. no one in their right minds carries on with charges, public humiliation, familial humiliation, lost jobs due to charges, and damaged rep regardless the outcome for days on end to pull out evidence on the last day. we all know charges are enough these days to lose everything you own...

this dude would have to already jobless, worthless, living in his parents basement, and disowned to let this charade dontinue.





if this were remotely true, you'd have to be absolutely insane to carry on with the trial, etc. you'd show the cops the tape immediately, she'd get in trouble for false accusations, and you'd move on with your life. the only people who would find out about the situation would be the ones you told. otherwise, once things go to trial, even if you crack the evidence out at the last second (and they allow it), everyone and their mother would know you were accused of rape--even if they find out the true story, this is a HUGE blow to your reputation.


this story sounds like............................................something an 18 year old would make up and tell all his dumb 18 year old friends. shame on anyone in this thread who believed any part of it.

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I've seen it first hand. It was a concealed carry issue (not a rape issue) but the employee was let go. We only allow 2 court dates per year outside of jury duty and it took way more than that. When public record showed the charge was on the way home from work we said they violated the no gun rule on company property and terminated their employment. He was found innocent then lawyered up to get his job back. His position was reinstated, he was paid for 3 months of missed salary, and given back his position with tenure as if he never left.


P.S. if you think you purposely try to fire someone like this you are mistaken. A person like this you stay away from due to already having a case won against you. If you nit pick on him but cant show consistent past examples of people being fired for the same reason you are just giving them more time off with pay and giving yourself the same bad press you were trying to avoid...


charges of a conceal carry are WAY different than charges of rape and letting them drag on...

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Innocent until proven guilty...


unfortunately not, when it comes to rape. even if found completely innocent, its a charge that changes your reputation forever.


if you had two identical job applicants, would you hire the one who was found innocent in a conceal/carry lawsuit, or one who was found innocent when accused of raping a minor?? be honest with yourself. there's a reason rapists/child abusers are beat the shit out of in prison.



on a side note, i'm surprised no one has even commented on the fact that the chairs don't even match their kitchen table in the picture

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unfortunately not, when it comes to rape. even if found completely innocent, its a charge that changes your reputation forever.


if you had two identical job applicants, would you hire the one who was found innocent in a conceal/carry lawsuit, or one who was found innocent when accused of raping a minor?? be honest with yourself. there's a reason rapists/child abusers are beat the shit out of in prison.



on a side note, i'm surprised no one has even commented on the fact that the chairs don't even match their kitchen table in the picture


Thats the great thing about being innocent. If you are not convicted you dont have to put it on your resume :p .... And you're only 16, you dont have a rep yet.

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you can bring in evidence that fast w.o another hearing.


It never hit the courts. When the police came to my apartment with a warrant I withheld the video on a thumb drive I left at a different place. I didn't know if I should let the police have the video right away or not (I wanted to speak with my lawyer first). After consulting the lawyer, he and his firm watched it as well as some colleagues and he advised me to let the bitches have it. The police took everything in my apartment from my cell phone to my dvd's to my channel changer (I guess all they need in a rape case is their word verse yours). I was looking at an F1. Before I could hand the video over, the detective on the case called and said they retrieved the video off of my flip (through the FBI). Needless to say I'm a free man, I got all my belongings back (after a month or so) the slut(s) look like assholes and the cops filed charges against them for falsifying a crime. I was allowed to advise the court to make the girls do a community service program for REAL rape victims. I WILL NEVER GET THOSE 3 WEEKS BACK, the feeling knowing that you could spend a long time in jail is one of the worst feeling Ive experienced EVAR...

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