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I read something that said that most video games from the last two years or so are 3D capable. They just never had the capability to display 3D on your tv before. Supposedly it could be as easy as a DirectX upgrade and a video card that can do 3D. Anything built on versions later than DirectX 8 has 3D information in it. Which means PC games since 2002 are 3D capable.


I'd wonder if I could plug a CPU into my TV and use that to play PC games in 3D. First-person shooter games would be awesome.


Not sure about PC, but my TV will convert anything you watch into 3D, it just doesnt look as good as somethign that was designed for 3d. Ex: MW2 in 3D is kinda cool, but some things pop out too much or not enough, etc. It's even less spectacular on TV channels.

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