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Health and fitness - Did p90 half way, about to start P90X.


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Yes it can.. Dieting gets you from 421 to 221


Dieting with no cardio will not drop 200 pounds. An eating disorder may, but diet alone will not.


Building muscle mass will not cause me to lose 200 pounds even with dieting. It may for others if you claim, but doesn't work for me. I've done it.


I watch my diet, I don't DO a diet, but rather watch what I eat. Lots of cardio, MMA/Boxing (also cardio), and light strength training. So far I've gone down 70 pounds since May.


Different strokes for different folks. I will hit the weights after I lose about another 80 to start toning but will maintain the cardio to continue losing.

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Dieting with no cardio will not drop 200 pounds. An eating disorder may, but diet alone will not.




Paleo diet, look it up.


Lean proteins, nuts, lots of veggies and some fruit. No grains, no dairy, no refined sugar, no processed food.


I've seen people in my gym lose mass weight from diet and zero "cardio".


Sorry if diet and strength did not work for you, but claiming that without doing cardio you will not lose weight is completely false. I would look at the diet you were doing before anything else.

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this spring early summer i got up to 194lbs at 14% body fat (34" wasit) then just started eating cleaner reducing about 500-700cals.

now i am at 180lbs at 10% body fat, 31.5" waist.

and still can rep 325x10 on the bench, 345x10 on the squat and 545x2 on deads

hit a 550squat, 500 bench, 585dead im my gear

and 475squat 405bench and 555 dead raw.


screw p90x, it dont help you pull over 500lbs of the floor.


Your joints are going to hate you when you're older.

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Paleo diet, look it up.


Lean proteins, nuts, lots of veggies and some fruit. No grains, no dairy, no refined sugar, no processed food.


I've seen people in my gym lose mass weight from diet and zero "cardio".


Sorry if diet and strength did not work for you, but claiming that without doing cardio you will not lose weight is completely false. I would look at the diet you were doing before anything else.


Thanks. I'll look into it. :) I'm all for learning more about getting fit.


I too have seen people in gyms lose weight. That's why I said:


Building muscle mass will not cause me to lose 200 pounds even with dieting. It may for others if you claim, but doesn't work for me. I've done it.


I merely claimed that I personally see results with light strength training and cardio. I still do strength building excersises to the like of GSP and other fighters and once had the MSU weight training program. When I lift heavily and diet with no cardio though I don't lose as much weight. I may get into better shape but to join the military I need to make weight. That's all. YMMV. :)


And I'm not a trainer nor do I claim to be so my info may not be best for all. All I know is what works for my buddy who fought out of Jorge Gurgels gym. It seems to be working for me. I listen to him more than I do my own thing. 70 pounds in 4-6 months is proof enough for me that I can lose this way.


Truth be told I'll plateau again and will switch up training. At that point I'll look into that diet more and more weight training. Thanks for the info. :thumbup:

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this spring early summer i got up to 194lbs at 14% body fat (34" wasit) then just started eating cleaner reducing about 500-700cals.

now i am at 180lbs at 10% body fat, 31.5" waist.

and still can rep 325x10 on the bench, 345x10 on the squat and 545x2 on deads

hit a 550squat, 500 bench, 585dead im my gear

and 475squat 405bench and 555 dead raw.


screw p90x, it dont help you pull over 500lbs of the floor.


I have absolutely no desire to lift 500lbs. My goal is to get in better cardiovascular shape (regain the endurance I once had), and gain some strength while I'm at it (regain the strength I once had).


My goals seem to align well with a Crossfit program (even though they do some dead lifts and squats), but the P90X should do almost the same thing for me and I can do it at home. I would like to be to be fit enough to do another triathlon. Right now I already have low body fat and I'm in decent shape, but I need to work back to that level.

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thanks john, have a lot of need to perfect my form, and i should be able to up my total another 100lbs or so, maybe more.


hwilli: Im 5'8" but am seeing a 5'2" chick so its all good.


Yenner: tell that to my bench coach, Mike Wolfe. He went from 420 at his peak to 270, and was still benching 500raw no problem. though he had been slacking and last time i saw him he was back to 300 but is working on getting dwon to 270 again. He was lifting heavy and dieting


Sully: joints are doing just fine, and i know a lot of 60-70 year olds that can rip up a lot more weight then me and they are doing just fine.


mallard: this is the problem with today's generation, it is filled with metro-sexual - emo - girly men. What ever happened to the days were men were strong. you arent a man unless you can pull 500lbs from the floor.

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hwilli: Im 5'8" but am seeing a 5'2" chick so its all good.



Not hating at all so don't take it that way. You are pushing some impressive #s. What I have found though is shorter/shorter limbed people find it easier to push more weight than taller/longer limbed people. I was curious if you fell into the shorter limbed category.


I am getting tubby again, I need to drop about 15 lbs of bad weight and replace it with muscle. My limiting factor is that i am lazy :)

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Yenner: tell that to my bench coach, Mike Wolfe. He went from 420 at his peak to 270, and was still benching 500raw no problem. though he had been slacking and last time i saw him he was back to 300 but is working on getting dwon to 270 again. He was lifting heavy and dieting.


I would tell him. Like I said, it didn't work for me. I didn't say it didn't for him. I got so far with it and plateaud. As I stated you can be a HEALTHIER 300 with weight training and dieting. My problem is to the military 300 is 300. For my heigth I need to be 208 or at least close to pass the tape test.


It's not about whether or not you can be a healthy 270. I'm sure he was and I'm sure I could be, but I still wouldn't get in. That's my dilemma.

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Lifting 500 lbs would get me nowhere in a triathlon. Also, if I had the muscle mass neseccary to lift 500 lbs I would never fit in a kart. Different people, different goals. I have seen plenty of people lose weight by diet and lifting so I don't dispute that. My diet is good and I'm already pretty lean.
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Not hating at all so don't take it that way. You are pushing some impressive #s. What I have found though is shorter/shorter limbed people find it easier to push more weight than taller/longer limbed people. I was curious if you fell into the shorter limbed category.


I am getting tubby again, I need to drop about 15 lbs of bad weight and replace it with muscle. My limiting factor is that i am lazy :)

ya shorter limbs do help, i have longer arms a 6'span so i shouldnt be as good in benching as i am though, but helps in deads


this guy lifted at my last meet; shawn frankl as a light 220

1060 squat 875 Bench 780 Deadlift  2715 Total

he is about 5'5"



though i gained muscle lifting heavy, and loss fat by my diet, you can lose fat quicker with diet then upping your cardio.

i dont really do cardio unless you count repping 345x10 in squats, that make me feel like i have ran a few miles.

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Lifting 500 lbs would get me nowhere in a triathlon. Also, if I had the muscle mass neseccary to lift 500 lbs I would never fit in a kart. Different people, different goals. I have seen plenty of people lose weight by diet and lifting so I don't dispute that. My diet is good and I'm already pretty lean.


i know guy guys that weigh 132lbs that can pull 500, the muscles of the back dont take up much space.

it all depends on if your spinless or not. i keed i keed...:p

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This thread is more so for people who aren't in the best shape health wise or wanting to improve their overall health, not just lifting.


I do like seeing other people give their perspective but I'm doing both, weight training and my p90 workouts and I see the benefit of both. P90 and P90x both build strength, the x a hell of a lot more so and in all types of areas rather than just straight movements like curls or the like.


To lose weight you do need more than just weight lifting, or just cardio, or just dieting. It requires a total package and overall a lifestyle change has to be initiated. Once those things are rectified then the weight just drops.


One last thing - the only way these workouts are going to be effective is if you actually do them. You can't flake out and think "Man work was a bitch today so I'll just skip my workout this evening" - No. You get your tired ass up off the floor/chair/toilet what have you and do fuckin' work. You aren't going to get where you want to get by sitting on your ass or making excuses, you have to take ownership of yourself and your body and understand this is something you not only want but NEED and you're willing to do what it takes to get there.


That being said PM me as others have for meeting up and we'll work out the details from there.

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It requires a total package and overall a lifestyle change has to be initiated. Once those things are rectified then the weight just drops.


This and...


You aren't going to get where you want to get by sitting on your ass or making excuses, you have to take ownership of yourself and your body and understand this is something you not only want but NEED and you're willing to do what it takes to get there.




Well said.

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Bump, got a few made who here wanted to get together for the p90 stuff? I have a couple people for X and 1 for the p90 that I need to demo but I didn't catch who else needed to see the workouts. Post up and let me know :D


Also good find on that site, I'm going to see how well it will work for me as well.

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Bummmpppp Pm's have been replied to for people that sent me one, and others today is beautiful if you're too busy with the game hit me up after and lets do this up! By christmas if everyone stuck to it rigidly or loosely even, we could show some ridiculous improvement peoples.
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this guy lifted at my last meet; shawn frankl as a light 220

1060 squat 875 Bench 780 Deadlift  2715 Total

he is about 5'5".


This is my dilemma. I am 6'1" and need to weigh 208 or at least close to get in the military. For 5'5" you'd have to weigh about 167. Does where I'm coming from make more sense now?


And no, I'm not disputing that it CAN'T be done or that it HASN'T been done. I just have to do what works best for me at the moment and that's a good diet and heavy cardio. I'll pick up on the strength training once I'm below 300, but even then my goal is to pull my body weight and a full pack around, not 500 pounds. Pull ups, push ups, sit ups, running and swimming times. Those will be my focus for where I want to be in a military career.

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Yenner that is why they do tape, I was 5'11" and they said I needed to weight 18xlbs, I was 205 when I enlisted but they take into account your neck and waste. I am down to 190 and a peak of crossfit I was at 188 11%BF. Now that I am back on post and have no distractions I plan to continue to cross fit and get to 185ish and 9-10%BF.
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Also if you want to get in shape for the military cross fit is ALL we do and is ALL you need to do. USE-ABLE/FUNCTIONAL muscle is what is needed in the military, trust me I see these guys who are huge and big but can't perform any military duty. It's hard to clear a room when you can't fit through the door. Look at SF/Ranger Regiment/Seals/Recon/ODA, 99% of them are lean strong men not huge 500lb lifting monsters. You need to be able to ruck 10-15miles a day, do endless amounts of push ups/pull ups/sit ups, and run 5-8 miles fast.
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This is my dilemma. I am 6'1" and need to weigh 208 or at least close to get in the military. For 5'5" you'd have to weigh about 167. Does where I'm coming from make more sense now?


And no, I'm not disputing that it CAN'T be done or that it HASN'T been done. I just have to do what works best for me at the moment and that's a good diet and heavy cardio. I'll pick up on the strength training once I'm below 300, but even then my goal is to pull my body weight and a full pack around, not 500 pounds. Pull ups, push ups, sit ups, running and swimming times. Those will be my focus for where I want to be in a military career.


losing weight without worrying about keeping muscle is easy, just takes time.

just dont eat as much, heck were is Anthony he did a drastic transformation in a short time.

start eating only chicken rice and vegetables, about 1500 cals a day. youll probably loose 2 lbs or weight per week.

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