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Health and fitness - Did p90 half way, about to start P90X.


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Yenner that is why they do tape, I was 5'11" and they said I needed to weight 18xlbs, I was 205 when I enlisted but they take into account your neck and waste. I am down to 190 and a peak of crossfit I was at 188 11%BF. Now that I am back on post and have no distractions I plan to continue to cross fit and get to 185ish and 9-10%BF.


Also if you want to get in shape for the military cross fit is ALL we do and is ALL you need to do. USE-ABLE/FUNCTIONAL muscle is what is needed in the military, trust me I see these guys who are huge and big but can't perform any military duty. It's hard to clear a room when you can't fit through the door. Look at SF/Ranger Regiment/Seals/Recon/ODA, 99% of them are lean strong men not huge 500lb lifting monsters. You need to be able to ruck 10-15miles a day, do endless amounts of push ups/pull ups/sit ups, and run 5-8 miles fast.


That's exactly what I'm talking about. I need to do more than lift. That's why I'm working cardio. Actually, here is what I would like to be able to do before even going to boot. That's the rating I want to go for.


losing weight without worrying about keeping muscle is easy, just takes time.

just dont eat as much, heck were is Anthony he did a drastic transformation in a short time.

start eating only chicken rice and vegetables, about 1500 cals a day. youll probably loose 2 lbs or weight per week.


Thanks. That's pretty much what I do. I am staying at about 2 +/- per week. My muscle mass is improving by the MMA/kickboxing and other workouts I do. I have enough mass right now without doing any heavy lifting.


Thanks for the info guys. :thumbup:

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Hey everyone who pm'd me, I was MIA the past couple of weeks with the family being sick (myself included) and my daughter's birthday party was yesterday so I was gone allll day long. Sorry!


Will pm people or get back in contact with them later today (sunday). Thank you!

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