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I am having a slight coolilng issue with my PS3 and maybe now with my Xbox in the new entertainment center.


Let me know if this pic does not come up:




The PS3 gets stupid hot if I push it back any further on the shelf, heck even now it gets very warm as it sits in there.


I am also worried about the Xbox getting to hot now too.


The two ideas I have to fix the situation are:


1. Cutout the back of the entertainment center (it is the typical thing wood/cardboard stuff) to help get more air flowing over both.


2. Rig up some sort of fan for each system that either blows air across the system. Should this be front to back, back to front, or side to side flow?


3. Do both one and two.


Any ideas? Should I just go find a small enough fan to fit in the space or is there a certain type I should look for?


Thanks in advance and try to keep this useful I am sure others could benfit.

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I can't see the picture because I am at work. However, it sounds similar to my set up. I have a corner stand with 3 shelves. I have cut a 4" hole at each shelf level on each back face. I then bought a Nyko Intercooler for each system (360, PS3). I have not had any overheating issues. I do leave the doors on the front of the unit open any time the systems are on though. The nice thing about the Intercoolers is that they are temperature controlled.


Hope this helps.

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Mine is set up the exact same way but with a receiver to the PS3's right and a modem/ router to the right of the XBOX. I dont have any issues when everything is set at full tilt but there is a lot of room behind the units to circulate air which yours appaers to not.



I would set up a series of fans behind the consoles to run when either console is one to releive some of that hot air and blow it out into the open. That and it will keep you warm in the winter for almost free :)








Dont buy that intercooler shit, its worthless

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My PS3 sits in a spot that's similiar to where your xbox sits, there is a large opening in the back and I've not had any problems with it yet, so cutting out the back would help I think, but getting a fan would be easier and probably better.
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I had the same problem. I ended up cutting a hole in the back and wiring up a radio shack fan to a switch. I'd turn it on whenever my receiver/xbox was on to help keep them cool. Cost me 30 bucks at radio shack for the parts.


http://www.radioshack.com/product/index.jsp?productId=2062494&filterName=Type&filterValue=SPST - Switch


http://www.radioshack.com/product/index.jsp?productId=2102825&filterName=Brand&filterValue=RadioShack - Fan


And I just cut up an old extension cord for power. I had the fan pulling the air out of the entertainment center to exhaust the hot air. You could put your hand in front of the door and feel it pulling air through.

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Cutting a hole is a cheap fix and it leaves you with a giant hole in your entertainment setup, I vote for the fans.


I am going to cut a hole int he back and use the fans. I can see where the back is holding that heat in so I hope both will be extra insurance.

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lol. I bought a dremel set up 4 years ago for a projest and planned on giving it to the guy helping me, when we were done. Thought, "I never use this again."


I use that damn thing about once a month. LOL


Dremal, that'll fix it.

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