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and let's not forget the fact that I've tried the x-clamp fix and the warranty sticker has been cut on it.


So the recommendation that i have made will satisfy your situation as your warranty is void anyway and it will cost you nothing to replace it.


@ 87GT It is hardly being a "dick" to offer help and suggestions to other members of this site. You of course are not obligated to use my suggestion but to call me names because I try to provide options to address people's concerns is somewhat silly. If one is a "dick" because the break a legal code that they never agreed to, then you would also be a dick everytime you accelerate 1 mph over the speed limit, or illegally roll through a stop sign....just food for thought as there are plenty of hungry minds around here.

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So the recommendation that i have made will satisfy your situation as your warranty is void anyway and it will cost you nothing to replace it.


@ 87GT It is hardly being a "dick" to offer help and suggestions to other members of this site. You of course are not obligated to use my suggestion but to call me names because I try to provide options to address people's concerns is somewhat silly. If one is a "dick" because the break a legal code that they never agreed to, then you would also be a dick everytime you accelerate 1 mph over the speed limit, or illegally roll through a stop sign....just food for thought as there are plenty of hungry minds around here.



You are slow just stop responding. Opening the xbox to mod it is your right to do so. If it breaks or gets banned from xbox live it is not your right to return it for a full refund. Either fix it yourself with x-clamp and keep it out the case or buy a new one.


I am speaking from experience here my first 360 I did the x-clamp because my warranty expired. It worked fine for 2 years out of the case then it finally stopped turning on. I wasn't a dick and try to return it I bought a new 360. Guess what that one got banned from xbox live. I didn't return that one either I bought a 3rd xbox. This is how a normal consumer should act.

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You are slow just stop responding. Opening the xbox to mod it is your right to do so. If it breaks or gets banned from xbox live it is not your right to return it for a full refund. Either fix it yourself with x-clamp and keep it out the case or buy a new one. .


The OP already stated they have tried the x clamp and it did not fix the issue. You are resorting to name calling when you either have not read what the situation is or just don't understand.....


I am speaking from experience here my first 360 I did the x-clamp because my warranty expired. It worked fine for 2 years out of the case then it finally stopped turning on. I wasn't a dick and try to return it I bought a new 360. Guess what that one got banned from xbox live. I didn't return that one either I bought a 3rd xbox. This is how a normal consumer should act.



So this means that you have extra money to blow, don't know how to conduct yourself online, and made the same mistake 3 times ;) This doesn't sound like the average consumer.....speaking of I am not sure how you are able to determine what the definition of the "perfect consumer" is.

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The OP already stated they have tried the x clamp and it did not fix the issue. You are resorting to name calling when you either have not read what the situation is or just don't understand.....





So this means that you have extra money to blow, don't know how to conduct yourself online, and made the same mistake 3 times ;) This doesn't sound like the average consumer.....speaking of I am not sure how you are able to determine what the definition of the "perfect consumer" is.



Reread the thread. He said the x-clamp works if it is out of the case. Which is exactly what I had to do on my first xbox. I even made a thread about it a few years ago. And I was banned for having a modded xbox. That is why I have 2. A modded and unmodded one. That is only hurting myself no one else like returning an xbox you didn't buy.

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Reread the thread. He said the x-clamp works if it is out of the case. Which is exactly what I had to do on my first xbox. I even made a thread about it a few years ago. And I was banned for having a modded xbox. That is why I have 2. A modded and unmodded one. That is only hurting myself no one else like returning an xbox you didn't buy.



wait a minute... who is it that is being hurt by returning an xbox to the store? I must have missed that one. Modded XBOX huh? Surely yourself with such high moral and legal aptitude would not have a modded xbox to play unpurchased games or load unpurchased content onto....


Doesn't the Bible say something about the plank in your own eye?

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There you go again saying stuff you have no clue about. Every game I have played on my modded xbox for more then 30 minutes I bought it. You should see how many legal 360 games I own. Some games like fallout for example I have bought more then once and on multiple systems (xbox and pc).


I support the companies that make the games. Running a backup for 30 minutes and not playing it again is the same as "renting" a game from a store. Actually go read the fine print. It is illegal to rent games according to the manufacture. I am sure you have rented a game in your life time. You are breaking the law.

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There you go again saying stuff you have no clue about. Every game I have played on my modded xbox for more then 30 minutes I bought it. You should see how many legal 360 games I own. Some games like fallout for example I have bought more then once and on multiple systems (xbox and pc).


I support the companies that make the games. Running a backup for 30 minutes and not playing it again is the same as "renting" a game from a store. Actually go read the fine print. It is illegal to rent games according to the manufacture. I am sure you have rented a game in your life time. You are breaking the law.


I am unsure of your point here. I have never argued that it is "wrong" to break the law....that was your argument and you have furthered it by admiting to it. I could not care less about how many games that you own. What is the point of modding your Xbox so that you can "try" games? I'snt that what the demos are for? I am by no means saything that one should not mod thier box but for someone to come from the standpoint of "it is illegal therefore it is wrong" but then say well it's ok that I do it but not you is a bit funny.



Furthermore you can not redefine legal terms to meet your own needs. No, running a backup for 30 minutes is not the "same" as renting it from a store. Not that this has anything to do with the original OP but it further shows your inconsistancies.

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A Rambling Tale With No Point


April 27, 2005 in Confessions, Marriage with 16 Comments


My alarm rang at 5:00 a.m. and I slapped it into submission and slept until 5:10 a.m. I showered, half-dried my tresses, pulled on the clothes I’d draped on the exercise bike last night, wore glasses and a Mr. Rogers sweater. I drove to CuteBaby’s house, arriving at 5:50 a.m. His mom had to go to her military job early again, just to check in. (No physical testing for her because she’s still on the maternity plan.)


I was back home by 7:00 a.m.


By 7:30 a.m., I had baked my first pan of homemade chocolate chip cookies to satisfy Babygirl’s directives: “I want cookies! I want cookies!” Frankly, I wanted cookies, too.


My very long day included:


–twin 12-year old boys who spent more time exchanging nonsense-talk than doing literature lessons;

–two and a half year old daughter who is still coughing, gagging and wiping snot on her sleeves;

–DaycareKid who is not catching on to potty-training (but, hey, at least I know now that he is not constipated);

–infinite laundry;

–really out-of-control, bad hair which I spent an inordinate amount of time contemplating today;

–and CuteBaby (but he took long naps today).


Oh. And a box came in the mail, which is generally cause for rejoicing. The box contained a giant, thick envelope from my mother-in-law. In the envelope were all the pictures I’ve sent her over the years (eighteen years, almost), including the sweet little Creative Memories scrapbook I made especially for her.


Only a few weeks ago, the same mother-in-law complained to me on the phone that I hadn’t sent her any pictures recently.


You figure that one out. I called my husband and he suggested she was preparing to die, which is a fairly morbid thing to say, but that demonstrates his sick sense of humor which is primarily why I love him so much.


We’ve recently been cracking up at the song-list we’re compiling for our imaginary twenty-fifth anniversary bash. (We hate parties. There will be no bash.) I suggested “Hard Habit to Break” and “Fifty Ways to Leave Your Lover.” He chose “If You Don’t Know Me By Now” and “If You Leave Me Now”. We think it would be hilarious to have these types of songs playing continuously in the background as partygoers clutch non-alcoholic drinks and little paper plates holding slabs of Costco cake. This joke–this pretend song-list–will go on for months, maybe years.


I also love him because he brought me salad for lunch at 2:30 p.m. when he called and I complained that I hadn’t had a chance to eat lunch yet. He brought Subway sandwiches for the boys’ dinner. When he returned home at 5:30 p.m. to find Babygirl imprisoned in her crib throwing a tantrum while I chatted with CuteBaby’s mom while she was picking him up–looking sweaty and disheveled, me, not her–he rescued Babygirl and she stopped crying long enough for him to transfer her to me.


After the switcharoo, she wrapped her sweaty arms around my neck and tried to steer me. No rocking chair. No kitchen chair. She insisted that I stand precisely in the center of the kitchen, no leaning on counters allowed. As you can imagine, this was great fun for me. Okay, it was annoying. My back began to ache.


My husband suggested he take her for a van ride, knowing she would scream, then sleep. That’s exactly what happened. While I buckled her in, she threw a fit worthy of any child seen on Nanny 9-1-1. That’s my sweetie-pie.


So the day ends. Mrs. Darling would be completely horrified if she saw the state of my carpets. She vacuums every day and once a week–ONCE A WEEK–she vacuums under all the furniture in her house (beds, dressers, everything). I am amazed, jealous and mostly, I wish I could hire her to be my Personal Vacuumer.


I want my floors to be vacuumed. I just want someone else to do it.


I am a horrible housewife. When I told my husband about Mrs. Darling’s spic-and-span carpets and lamented about my own dismal housewifery standards, he said, “That’s okay. I’m not a handyman, either, and you don’t hold that against me.”


And when I say, “I hate my hair! What shall I do with it?” He says, as if preprogrammed, “No matter what you do, I always like your hair.”


He’s a liar, but he’s my liar and he makes me laugh.

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@Dover INTEGRITY would be proactively correcting KNOWN issues with your product and providing proper support instead of dismissing hundreds and thousands of concerns that have been tested and proven to exist.


@ Mojoe Anyone who actually knows me would never have an issue purchasing anything from me because unlike others, I stand by anything that I do or sell because that is what INTEGRITY is....


Your made up definitions of a word you can't fathom, simply insults those who live it. Again showing your character flaw.


Integrity is doing what's right, regardless of if it's simple, easy, or even fair to you. The situation you find yourself in will determine what doing the right thing is. The balance to that is long term and something you usually over look as things falling into place. Funny thing is when you look back and say you've lived well and any action or situation becomes clear by simply not having clouded judgment. I'll stop at that before I get into metaphysics.



Glad DR Xbox was able to get you taken care of.

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Your made up definitions of a word you can't fathom, simply insults those who live it. Again showing your character flaw.


Integrity is doing what's right, regardless of if it's simple, easy, or even fair to you. The situation you find yourself in will determine what doing the right thing is. The balance to that is long term and something you usually over look as things falling into place. Funny thing is when you look back and say you've lived well and any action or situation becomes clear by simply not having clouded judgment. I'll stop at that before I get into metaphysics.


You talk a lot but don't really say anything.... If you would simply look up the definition of integrity you would see that I did not use it incorrectly or change its meaning. I am very aware of what it means. Your diatribe about subjectivity and "rightness" (whatever that is supposed to mean)has very little to do with anything and doesn't make you sound like a student of philosophy if that's what you were going for.

Glad DR Xbox was able to get you taken care of.


Glad it's up and running for you Smokin5s

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My guy in Westerville will fix it for $40 and if it ever gets it again he fixes it for free.


DR XBOX (614)375-3168 begin_of_the_skype_highlighting**************(614)375-3168******end_of_the_skype_highlighting His name is Patrick.


Good to know in case I have any probs.

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You talk a lot but don't really say anything.... If you would simply look up the definition of integrity you would see that I did not use it incorrectly or change its meaning. I am very aware of what it means. Your diatribe about subjectivity and "rightness" (whatever that is supposed to mean)has very little to do with anything and doesn't make you sound like a student of philosophy if that's what you were going for.



It's understandable for you to say I talk a lot, but don't really say anything. How could you possibly understand what I'm talking about, given your thoughts and approach to things? I'm a student of life. This threads done for me. Being right, isn't always right.

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Slobait, I can't justify typing out a long response to the absolute stupidity and ignorance you have portrayed your character here on CR. I really hope to never meet you in person because I can already tell you would be someone I don't want to associate with. If you want to continue 'suggesting' illegal activity here on CR I would be more then happy to help you exit the CR community and never to return.
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Slobait, I can't justify typing out a long response to the absolute stupidity and ignorance you have portrayed your character here on CR. I really hope to never meet you in person because I can already tell you would be someone I don't want to associate with. If you want to continue 'suggesting' illegal activity here on CR I would be more then happy to help you exit the CR community and never to return.


Woah, power trip much? I guess if you can't win by logic and reasoning appeal to authority right? Funny story actually because we have met before but that's ok, I probably wouldn't remember me either.


I am unsure what "stupidity" or "ignorance" I have displayed here so if you could enlighten me I would certainly appreciate it. In addition, I am unsure of what I have "suggested" that is illegal. If you are referring to running stop lights, speeding, and hacking Xbox's I have neither admitted nor glorified any of that. If we sat down and had a reasonable conversation about current events, viewpoints, issues, etc I am sure that you would rather enjoy being associated with me but that is for a different day. I really could not care less of what think about me, especially based on the very small amount of information you know about me as well as the apparent limitations of your reasoning and reading comprehension skills.


Anywho this thread is old news anyway since the OP was able to resolve his issue and I am glad that it has been resolved.

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