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It's pretty much my favorite animal. It's like a lion and a tiger mixed... bred for its skills in magic. The growl from the beasts mouth when changing lanes was enough to make me jizz my pants. It is so loud it can be heard with a cd player on the suicide volume notch. You can thank the ricer in the 4 door sunfire to the left of me for not letting me get over for better pixturez.



Also not pictured on the side of 270 was a dead goose, 1 work boot, and a windmill generator that was not spinning.






















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Man thats a nice santa fe


Ya dude


nice audi


Jones approved of it.


Weather looks kind of cloudy.. darn. :(


The weather is fucking awesome today STFU


Is that an El Camino or a missle of awesome riding on four wheels?


Awesome El Camino is awesome

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