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anyone use E Cigarettes / Vape?


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i just started using an E Cig saturday, and havent picked up a real cigarette yet.


i think this is a great way to help quit smoking, or just a healthier alternative to real cigarettes.



i ordered a KR808-D1 kit form LeCig.com along with some of there cartomizers vanilla, and mint.


those 2 dont taste to bad, but not exactly what i was looking for.


i ordered some smoke juice from JohnsonCreeksmokejuice.com, just ordered there sampler pack to try and see what i like. should get that in this monday at some point.


its a very similar experience to smoking, you still get that hit from the Ecig that you do from a real cigarette just not as strong, but i did get a lower mg of nicotine in the cartomizers i ordered. you blow out vapor that replicates smoke, but no smell, no carcinogens. and its a hell of alot cheaper than real cigarettes... after the initial purchase, its about $30 a month if you "vape" roughly the equivalent of 1 pack a day in smokes.

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I didn't like them because they we're too thick, heavy and you have to suck a lot harder on them. They also don't work out to be cheaper for me since I only smoke like a pack a week.


It is probably the best alternative next to just quitting.

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Do you have to get a special "cartridge" or do you just put oil in them?


there are differnt types, 2 piece and 3 piece

and the 3 piece have a battery, atomizer, and then your cartridge

2 piece are either a batter with atomizer built in, or more currently .. a battery, then a cartridge with an atomizer built in (known as cartomizer),


i have the latter... 2 piece battery and cartomizer..

you can buy either cartomizer that are already filled, or you can buy blanks that you c an fill yourself.. the cartomizer are refillable up to 4 times or so.. there is a new cartomizer out that i ordered that has a ceramic cup with a wick in it instead of a poly fill to hold the "juice" they last longer, produce better vapor, and if your new to E Cigs, youll burn the poly fill cause you wont know when your out of juice till you taste a little burnt taste.. then that cart is unuseable.. well most of the time.. its hard to get that burtn smell out of the cart after that happens.

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  • 2 months later...

Wanted to bump this.


We got my finance (who's 33 and has been smoking since 18) the Smoke Revolution e-cigarette for her birthday (Jan. 1st) and I'm happy to report that she hasn't smoked since. She says that overall, she feels better, has more energy and is actually sickened by the smell of real cigarettes when she passes someone in her hallway at work that has just come in from a smoke break. Her "urges" to smoke are nearly gone and is VERY happy with how well this thing works.

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I've been off and on using an e-cig for the past year. The only issue I run into is when I use it in public is that there is absolutely no way to use it around anyone without them asking you about it/what it is. It gets annoying quick.


If you ever think of going back to smoking, think of all the cons there are to it compared to the e-cig. There is absolutely no good reason to ever go back.


Also, one thing you may notice after using it for a bit is that you may have issues of nasty phlegm and dry throat. That buildup is your lungs clearing all the shit cigarettes has done to them. Just drink plenty of water and it'll clear up quickly.


Good luck!

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I've been kicking around getting one for a while now but I'm just not throughly convinced I'm going to fully like it. When I smoke a cig I like that hard hit of the smoke in the back of my throat and the exhale feeling too. Also lately smoking has been more of a habbit/bordem thing. I'm not sure I'm going to get what I'm after from the water vapor. Is the vapor heated like cig smoke?


So far I've only heard people praise the E-Cig, has anyone ever had a bad experience besides the annoyance of people asking "WTF you got there man?"


Side note.... Thanks Ryan for PM'ing me all your info you collected on the E-Cigs. It's been a big help in my quest to quit smoking.


And a sorta off topic question for the smokers and ex-smokers...... Has anyone tried Chantix? My doctor prescribed me some but after reading all the info sheets that come with the drug and talking to a couple family members that took it it scared me right out of taking it.

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I've been kicking around getting one for a while now but I'm just not throughly convinced I'm going to fully like it. When I smoke a cig I like that hard hit of the smoke in the back of my throat and the exhale feeling too. Also lately smoking has been more of a habbit/bordem thing. I'm not sure I'm going to get what I'm after from the water vapor. Is the vapor heated like cig smoke?


So far I've only heard people praise the E-Cig, has anyone ever had a bad experience besides the annoyance of people asking "WTF you got there man?"


Side note.... Thanks Ryan for PM'ing me all your info you collected on the E-Cigs. It's been a big help in my quest to quit smoking.


And a sorta off topic question for the smokers and ex-smokers...... Has anyone tried Chantix? My doctor prescribed me some but after reading all the info sheets that come with the drug and talking to a couple family members that took it it scared me right out of taking it.


As far as the hit from a cigarette, there are hard hitting atomizers available that can give you that from. Look into those online and I'm sure you could find the right one. The vapor is heated.


I haven't heard any bad experience from anyone using e-cigs.


As far as medication like Chantix, I've read all about people's experience with it and it scared me away from it too. The side effects easily outweigh the good to me, atleast with what I've heard so far.


I'm actually wanting to look into Zyban/Wellbutrin soon if I can't kick cigarettes for good soon. It was originally introduced as an anti-depressant but later was found out to have had users stop smoking. Read up on it here and do some extra research but it truly seems to be the best option for me. Good luck man!

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