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FML 4.6 Northstar


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I have only seen one of these done, and the person went ahead and purchased some special tool set from Cadillac.

They were able to sell the set after they finished redoing the threads, but I really think that is was needed to do the thread replacement at all.


Good luck

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well, you have to have the engine out of he car to do heads on those. timeserts are the way to go. i watched one guy do one ever and have refused to even do one. its almost cheeper to get a new engine than to have head gaskets replaced.
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  • 2 weeks later...
Word on the streets is the timeserts wont hold. Been on several Caddy boards and have read where numerous members have had to re-do the job, or just scrap the Engine. If you go on Cadillacowners.com there is a tech there who uses "Norms" inserts and claims there better then timeserts. Also inspect the block carefully when you pull the bolts, if there is any aluminum dust/particles the timeserts will not hold! Don't worry about rebuilding the motor, those N* are virtually indestructible (with the exception of the blasted head gaskets/bolts). You might also want to look into using studs of some sort as opposed to timeserts...what year is your caddy btw?
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sorry I should have clarified: Word on the streets is that timeserts won't hold in a N*. Lots of people have been having issues with them, then again others (including myself) haven't. As I recall there is some issue with galvanic corrosion within the bolt holes, if the corrosion gets bad enough the timeserts won't hold and will strip-out when torqued. Run a search on caddyinfo for "timeserts" and you will get mind-boggling amounts of info on the problem.
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like i said, people that don't do it right are the ones with the problems. i searched "Cadillac Timesert Issues" and came back with nothing.


some of the hundreds i've done were in the northstar engines. the only thing i like about that engine is the water pump and thats only because it pays good and its easy to do.

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