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Gato Negro Sauvingnon Blanc Usually on sale for like $4.99/bottle at meijer and Kroger. It's a Chilean wine. Their Cab is most excellent for the price and a great bargain but their SB isn't bad either.


If you can catch it on sale for like $7 or $8 a bottle, Famga is a Portuguese white with slightly effervescent qualities that is amazing with grilled chicken or pasta on a nice summer evening. Not quite as bubbly as champagne but definitely has bubbles.

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Bare Foot wine. dirt cheap and taste amazing. has won awards and such. granted, this wind for a big bottle only costs something like $12 at most. Def. try it.


+1 for barefoot..Although it seems a little watered down at times.


Little Penguin is some good stuff too, Kroger has it on sale for something like $10.50 for the big bottle. Picked up a couple in the past week, good stuff.

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Have you tried the chardonnay? I ask because I haven't particularly liked anything by Sutter Home before and was pleasantly surprised by the chardonnay.


Good point. Haven't tried the Chardonnay (I really dont care much for white's) have to give it a shot sometime.

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Couple other good ones $10 and under that can be found at kroger, meijer, or carfagnas:


Red Diamond Cabernet out of Washington

Cellar # 8 Red Zin

Ravenswood Red Zin


Trader joes has some excellent choices $20 and under:



Charles Shaw Merlot like $3.49/bottle. Amazing for the price

Some of their $20 reserve cabs could be compared with some $30-$40 cabs I have had

Francis Coppala Claret has been on sale everywhere lately for $14.99/bottle. Had a bottle the other night with some Bison strips...lovely


And if you are down with some bubbly, Francis Coppola Sofia Blanc de Blanc is usually about $19/bottle but can be found occasionally like last week for $14.99/bottle.

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