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favorite food

that dude

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hijack..watching travel channel, and there is a place in c-bus called ohio deli that has a sandwich called the dagwood .. i saw what it was and no doubt id put it down, then get my pic on the wall..wife calls me out on it, wagering 100 and she drive both ways..anyone eat the dagwood, or tried?.. im down now monies on the line

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hijack..watching travel channel, and there is a place in c-bus called ohio deli that has a sandwich called the dagwood .. i saw what it was and no doubt id put it down, then get my pic on the wall..wife calls me out on it, wagering 100 and she drive both ways..anyone eat the dagwood, or tried?.. im down now monies on the line

We have a place over here in Troy that is called Dagwoods...it's better than a place that is called something rediculous and sells something called a Dagwood. Come on a Dayton ride and have a real Dagwood.

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I love food in general.

"American cuisine" comes to mind first, but I don't know if I even use the right definition for it. If it comes off of a grill, I'll eat it. Ribs (<3) , steak, whatever. Basically any good cut of beef. I love "bar food" too; burgers, nachos, wings (LOOOOVE wings), whatever. I'm a big fan of mexican too, but I'm fairly picky about that. I like to keep my mexican simple...I hate when people take every ingredient that even remotely sounds hispanic and throw it on a tortilla. A few ingredients with a lot of flavor is all I need. Finally, Italian. One of the best and most memorable meals I have ever had was a delicious gorgonzola ravoli in Florence when I visited Italy in high school.

A good way to sum up my tastes is...watch Man vs. Food on the Travel Channel. Nearly every episode he's done save for the seafood one was like watching porn for me.

I'm also a fan of cooking. My recipe list is limited right now (ingredients are expensive :(), but I try new things now and again. I'd love to learn how to make a good rack of ribs over the spring/summer, so if anyone is planning on having any cookouts and wants to have an apprentice for a day, gimmie a shout :cool:

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Yeah come on down for an eat and ride sometime 'dude'. We get more sunshine down here even though that's not saying much.

Isn't a DAGWOOD whatever you make it though? That's all it is at Penn-Station.

may due that nick, im sure theres a few others up my way would like to take a cruise..have a little or meetup

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hijack..watching travel channel, and there is a place in c-bus called ohio deli that has a sandwich called the dagwood .. i saw what it was and no doubt id put it down, then get my pic on the wall..wife calls me out on it, wagering 100 and she drive both ways..anyone eat the dagwood, or tried?.. im down now monies on the line

Ohio Deli actually has pretty tasty sandwiches. I don't particularly think the dagwood looks appealing....too much lunch meat piled on a huge bun.... but a few guys from my work go and get it every now and then.

Then have food coma all afternoon, lol

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